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Found 3 results

  1. Hi guys, I've noticed that a lot of maps I've been playing on recently have the ores and monumants the island is supposed to have, but no island itself. I took a few screenshots after crafting a propeller pack. I've tried logging, we've restarted the server, etc. It's a bit off putting because it's mainly the further islands, and a lot of progress has already been made by the group on the starter ones. output_log_clean.txt
  2. Repro: Run game and start Learn missionFirst sign post should give you bubble textGo to menu (ESC), configure, graphicsChange resolution scaleBubble text moves with the scale (and also new bubbles are also on wrong positions) so overall positioning is wrongBuild: 0.01.11067 Wrong_text_bubble_with_resolution_scale.mp4
  3. Lamp doesn't shine in inventory when tooltip show Repro: Run game and start creator mode Open inventory and Creator tab Find Ylandium lamp Hover with mouse over some other item until tooltip is shown. When tooltip exist shine aroud lamp item is not visible. Note: see video Build: 0.01.11067 Lamp_inventory_not_shine.mp4