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Found 3 results

  1. Hi! I was at the green island, then I died and after this I was reborn at the sandy island. I don't have a boat, instruments. I have nothing! And I dont know how to play farther. Please, help me, because I spent 12 hours at this game, I love it, but now I can't play at all!
  2. Hey Ylands Team and Community, The best part of this game is creating your own scenarios/games and play these with friends (my opinion) and thats why I spent the most time with trying things out in your editor, but I still miss some features. I know this game is not finished yet and you have planned a lot, nevertheless I wanna make a whishlist for some futher possibilities in your editor: 1. The possibility to transfer islands (not just objects... with terrain!) into editing maps. 2. Easier terraforming there you can set that the terrain dont get up higher than a ceartain hight (to pretend unwanted hills etc. if you hold left-click for terrain an area faster) and bigger sizes possible. 3. An overview of your map in the editor and maybe editing basic settings for this map in this overview (like the "generate new terrain" option, but you can set climate zones in your map and auto-generate islands on certain places (you can choose where on the map) with configurated and all individual sizes (very little islands should be possible too), but without deleting your existing map). 4. The possibility to have multiple maps in your game (like different game levels). Maybe these things are already possible and I just dont know that... Let me know if there is something I can already do. Thanks for your amazing work! LG Fapi24
  3. Eujen

    0.6 Worlds and 0.7

    Hey there! So I have finally got the game.. earlier than I said I would in the Suggestion thread I made. (Couldn't wait.. what can I do) Anyhow.. I've seen the latest sneak peek.. which says the 0.7 update will come next week. (Hopefully) Now this is an idea I had and also something I want to ask about. I am planning on creating.. a world. (Duh) (It would be mostly a 'Roleplay' world. as I am a huge RP nerd.. and I think RP in Ylands could be quite amazing with all the content we have) The thing I had in mind (after playing with the editor quite a bit last night) Was basically the following: Continent on a corner of the map with 2 or 3 cities connected by dirt roads or brick. (Quite a big chunk of land so that the players can travel by car and such) And it'd also contain 3-4 smaller villages. (Of course some easter eggs and other stuff would also appear, like mines or quarries and such) Besides that continent, of course. I plan on adding in a few other islands that would contain like again, quarries or villages or treasure etc. I wanna add some 'Dungeons' as well populated by bandits that players can explore. Also Ships travelling from one island to another. In a nutshell. Craft a world that will be populated by NPC's. For immersion and rp purposes. TL;DR Now.. what I actually wanted to ask. If I start creating the world now, before the 0.7 update.. Can I still add NPC's afterwards. Or will NPC's populate said world after 0.7? Or do they spawn in only after generating a new world after the update. Now I don't mind if NPC's generate only on worlds created after 0.7, but I'd like to know if I can actually populate an already created world with NPC's. Also I plan on creating different compositions like Log House 1, Log House 2, Log House with Cobblestone 1 etc. Different variations of houses, Furnished and Unfurnished that I can place in the workshop to be used by me, and other people in their worlds. So.. if anyone would like to 'contribute' to this future world I have in mind. With any composition or ideas. Let me know. I'll make a 'quick' draft of the world in a wee while. To give you guys and gals an idea of what the map would be like. Cheers, Gene