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Found 6 results

  1. Lani Collins

    I need my name changed :(

    I need help changing my name from DDDDDDora to vyrakill I made this my username years ago when I was way younger and I guess I've already changed it once so I'm no longer able to change it, please help
  2. George_Gabriel

    Name Change Request

    Hello, I made a mistake while creating my name in game. Initially I was going to name my character - GeorgeGabriel [ but it was already taken ] So I decided to name my character - xGeorgeGabrielx instead But I made a slight mistake and I accidentally typed - xGeorgeGabrielX I know its a bit of a silly request, but is there a way for me to create a new character or perhaps I could make a request to someone authorized to have my name changed to - xGeorgeGabrielx
  3. Hello Yland's staff members I was playing this game in 2020 and choose a random username It is "Bobymarley" and I would like it to be changed to "antogno" I hope it's appropriate to post it here, if not i am sorry Thanks
  4. rat_

    Name change

    How do I change my in game name without linking my email and losing my coins?
  5. MelonJuice-dc568c65dc2e2d28

    RESOLVED Can I have my user changed?

    I installed this game around 2 years ago, only just picked it up again and I've got a user from when I first started that I don't exactly think is cool anymore. Can I get it changed? My current user is Circuit, I'd like it changed to Crocus. Thanks!
  6. Just noticed that the username that shows up on both the main menu and the coyn shop is really really weird for me. Have a look at this! What does it mean? It should just say handofthesly which is my Steam username (has recently changed from hannibal). Has it got something to do with the original standalone launcher and save files? If you know how to get it to just show my normal username would be awesome