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What happens if...

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Hi Ylanders!

As I love experimenting in Ylands, I thought it might be fun to start a 'What happens if...' thread, what can you think of trying?

Here's one to start us off...

  What happens if...

                   ...you plant 1000 Oak tree seeds?






1 What happens if... you plant 1000 Oak tree seeds.png

2 You....png

3 ...get....png

4 ...1000....png

5 ...Oak trees.png

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Cool! :) And at the same time, you actually found a bug because the trees should grow up in several visual variants, not in one as seen in the picture - so thanks for that as well! :D 

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crazy stuff!  now that'll make a nice treehouse :D

now i have to come up with something weird...

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...or wonderful, or weird and wonderful. Looking forward to seeing it Aethelis!

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lol I'm following the thread; putting some pressure on ;)xD lets see some funky creations! ^^

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okay.. i had a plan and a vision, and opened my explore savegame..

first obstacle was a in game warning along the lines of.. "cannot place shiphulls anywhere except water"..

that is sad and put an early stop to my venture.

then i opened a cheater, erm, creator map and found those wreck-hulls which could be placed between some rocky hills. so far so good.

then i proceeded to place some platforms to start with the ropebridges....


computer said "nooo" ..

tried some workaroundstuff but computer still said the same.. Aethelis said gtfo and deleted the map.


so unless there is a way to do fancy stuff i'm not aware of, i dont see a way to make things that arent rectangular brickbuildings, which makes me sad.

really would like to experiment but atm the "no building here" restrictions scare me off.. and placing it with V isnt really usefull for stuff like the floor (or wall/roof/anything) of your base imo.


so.. sorry, no shiphull-ewok-ropebridge-housing today.


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imagine, you are to lazy to build a new chest for a couple of sticks... and instead start building a fence with them...



and then find out, that it does not block movement.. :D

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OMG Love it!  How did you plant them so perfectly?  I guess in the world editor, I haven't had a chance to play with it much.  Nice post!

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its in exploration. i just pressed V for the placingmode and rotated them up and placed them.

but they dont block movement, at least for me. cant say if it does for predators, they somehow got extinct on this island *cough*, no clue why.. and the planteaters seem to not come up the hill. maybe too cold up here for wabbits and piggsies.

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  On 5/16/2017 at 9:23 PM, Aethelis said:

its in exploration. i just pressed V for the placingmode and rotated them up and placed them.

but they dont block movement, at least for me. cant say if it does for predators, they somehow got extinct on this island *cough*, no clue why.. and the planteaters seem to not come up the hill. maybe too cold up here for wabbits and piggsies.

Hi Aethelis, your 'custom' stick fence is a great idea!

The freedom of placing items (using the 'V' button) in Ylands is one the most 'impressive' abilities of the game for me, you can really let your imagination roam and try all sorts of things! This of course is bound to come with some unexpected 'side effects', as you can't predict exactly how things are going to 'react/interact' with the game environment, which is all part of the fun for me! :)

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  On 5/16/2017 at 8:59 PM, Gracekain said:

OMG Love it!  How did you plant them so perfectly?  I guess in the world editor, I haven't had a chance to play with it much.  Nice post!

Hi Gracekain, well spotted, perfect 'planting' eh?! ;) 

Well actually it's not!!!   It is perfect 'placing'! :) 

I created a new Yland using the editor, limited the terrain height so it would be flat, cleared all the objects and 'placed' my oak tree seeds using the snap to grid tool!  Ho ho! I then used my custom Scenario (Template) to start a new Explore game, sat back and watched my trees grow!!! :)


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Hi Ylanders!

Here's another one! ;) 

   What happens if...

            ...Six rabbits are left alone for 10 days?










                                                  ...out of control AI animals! ;)


Looking forward to the animal AI update. :) 

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