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I have been to 3 different yland cave systems,the longest one and the deepest one was the polar desert one.. there were no ylandium crystals or mutated animals in any of the cave systems and i cannot progress without ylandium dust  

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13 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Old map generator had problem to distinguish absolute and relative offset of animals in some cases, should be fixed for years now.

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Was this single player or online multiplayer on a server? Resources get snatched up quick in multiplayer. I have noticed though in single player that some Ylands have very few crystals and mutated animals while other Ylands have heaps and heaps of both. Luck of the draw perhaps?

Edited by handofthesly

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1 hour ago, handofthesly said:

Was this single player or online multiplayer on a server? Resources get snatched up quick in multiplayer. I have noticed though in single player that some Ylands have very few crystals and mutated animals while other Ylands have heaps and heaps of both. Luck of the draw perhaps?

It was single player.. I went trough 4 different biomes now, in 5 separate caves.. non had animals or crystals..  I even checked in another save on the starting ylands cave and it's the same 

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5 different ylands and no mutated animals seems extremely poor luck.

Have you tried 1st person "x-ray" exploit to make sure there are not other portions of the cave system? (may be considered a bit cheaty by some, but in this case could be helpful in verifying the extent of the caves).

I've found some cave systems have portions that are barely connected to each other (for example, a very narrow nearly vertical shaft), so it can be easy to miss those portions.

Others seem to go on forever and some extend out far into the ocean (according to my map), which makes me wonder about the cave generation code - where does an yland "begin/end"? or maybe cave generation just starts under an yland and ignore yland boundaries for its generation.

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4 hours ago, stlnegril9 said:

I've found some cave systems have portions that are barely connected to each other (for example, a very narrow nearly vertical shaft), so it can be easy to miss those portions.

I was going to say the same thing, and I’ve only found them because of the 1st person camera no clip trick through the walls. For me, most of the mutated animals and crystals are far, far down the cave system and not in the top half at least

Edited by handofthesly

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i have noticed sometimes mutated animals can get stuck in cave ceilings. making it seem like there or less or even none in the cave. the odd time also with crystals, but you can usually see the Glow from them
only way to notice this is either seeing a foot in the roof or using the x-ray first person exploit within under ground

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3 hours ago, BlooyZombie said:

i have noticed sometimes mutated animals can get stuck in cave ceilings. ....
only way to notice this is either seeing a foot in the roof or using the x-ray first person exploit within under ground

I usually notice them when they all jump (fall??) from the ceiling to attack me! I assumed this was programmed behavior. :)

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Hey mate, sucks if you get a seed with none or very little Yladium supplies. You can build paint guns and break them to acquire the dust you need. If you're running low on Iron, break nails.. it's a little slow but at least it beats not having things

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Going to resurrect this thread because after starting a fresh explore game in 0.7 I was using the first person no-clip bug to search for caves. Something looked strange so I went into the editor to investigate. This is what I saw. Nearly all of the mutated animals were "floating" in the ground above the cave systems. There's a possibility this may have contributed to the OP's experience of not having many mutated animals in their caves. I'm not sure whether or not the animals will fall back down or not either, I'm not really game enough to check it out without gearing myself up first in case a bazillion mutants attack me from above!


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Sadly paintguns no longer break down into Ydust, effectively reducing the chances of players reaching ylandium level on multiplayer servers to zero. I believe the new meta is to only join servers that have started on the day you are playing because it is now impossible to acquire it through any means after about 30 hours. Bad luck on the caves but keep that camera spinning around the caves searching for the trapped baddies in SP! Good luck and have fun! 

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18 hours ago, handofthesly said:

I'm not sure whether or not the animals will fall back down or not either, I'm not really game enough to check it out without gearing myself up first in case a bazillion mutants attack me from above!

since this thread is resurrected, I may as well comment on it. I did experienced mutated animals falling on top of me.. the most shocking of it is when you gone deep enough,, then big mutated bear falling on top of you.. It's after Cheerful Characters update. Glad I already have guardian armor set, even tho it has flashlight, falling animals are still shocking. xD

that reminds me this words - "Death from above"  :D

[update] speaking of the cause animal not at the floor of caves. If they are above the caves, they should falling down, I think what makes they didn't because something on their way. I guess that pointy things inside the caves, because that thing is counted as solid object.

Edited by Velocifer

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I’ve had mutants drop from the ceiling too but you can normally see them sticking through the terrain already on the roof. This seemed totally different in that they were way way further up than that.

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Just now, handofthesly said:

I’ve had mutants drop from the ceiling too but you can normally see them sticking through the terrain already on the roof. This seemed totally different in that they were way way further up than that

hemmh, could it be because it's too far? need to test that out. btw I just update my last post above.

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