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Enough is an enough!

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There is a  bi-lingual  joke  where they say in  France  " for  breakfast,  an egg is  un oeuf":D  Yadni will get that joke..B|

I have had  enough of trying to help on public  servers.. there's  just too many infantile  types there  who think its funny  to disrupt and  act  the way they do..

I started to build a help station  on NA9,   but have spent the last week  in repairing  damage  etc  caused by griefers...one with the charming  name "Adolf"  and  who has named  his  horses  after ww2 war criminals and  concentration  camps  ..nice fellow!

The last  two days has been spent trying to rebuild  resource crops  he  keeps  stealing, and today he placed  a bear trap outside my front  door, and has been  hiding nearby taunting   me  in chat. I could  go after him , but  we are a non pvp group, and anyway  terminating the asshats   will only see them keep returning, as well as making  yourself  no better than the griefer..

Its not  worth helping people   only to see them giving up because   griefers like  this one   go around  killing and  destroying   new arrivals  and their property before they can get established. I found  4  such   players  corpses  today ..

So what  mow?   well guys if you want help  on a public server you go it alone,  as its not worth the  effort of  being nice.  to some PVE means  kill and destroy and  harass.

So  I am going to move  with others  to a  pvte  password locked  server.  We will leave behind  or place on selected servers   a reference to discord  where you can contact us  to   ask if  you can  be part of a   sane? -------o.O ..umm well slightly  crazy  group --- of  players  who co-operate and seek enjoyment

I f you do wish to join us   remember  it  co-operative and non pvp   so come to grief and you are out

And what about  my  unfinished help station on NA9...well i am going to dismantle it  and put  all the stuff in  locked  chests with my PB active  so no  one  can get it.

Sorry to  to those   who are  decent players who appreciate the help,    and to the griefers like   emily,  conan,  adolf, if you see the demise of  public  servers.. and the pvte servers won't let you in, well whose to blame?:P






Edited by kimbuck
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Well proved  my point. i was   removing some  structures outside my base and  Adolf   jumped me and killed me saying " this is a PVP  server

So  goodbye  NA9 ...  you are welcome to the asshole

So if  you see Adolf   riding a  horse with the  name "Auswitch"    don't make friends with him   

And  admins for other servers ...  block him  he is a proven griefer... Ylands  don't need types like  him




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I can see he irritated you a lot.
You have to raise a little group and go after him!

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Going after him makes us no better than him

He harassed me  by  riding around me  in circles on his   awful named  horse  taunting while i planted things. later i would find the  things  i planted  removed... also  ran around looking in windows  waving  lanterns  he  stole  from the  building  that was  inadvertently left  unlocked ... so there's more to griefing   than  just violence.

Avoid  NA9 ... and   Adolf  his    Bi account   reference is 3d4e8cB4  fe134e0f .. etc      If you want the full account  no. as an admin,  send me a  pm. 

All the stuff i was   preparing  to help others was  destroyed or  disrupted... he had me  targeted. I am now on a pvte server   and i  don't need to wear armor  or  watch my back  or see racist names on horses etc.

He can spend the rest of  his  time riding in circles   around  my locked up base  and  not   get anywhere  :P  hes  got no  fun now  -   hes the real loser.:D

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I was kidding. I personally don't really like PVP (I'm always at a disadvantage anyway).
It takes a lot of work to create something without people getting in the way. I like being quiet.

I dont know how a PVE server would work in Ylands. I think that's what Sharegames came for.

I'm going to join some group and go back to playing online but only with trusted people. I will do this after some change in the GUI.

Edited by BigBoss87

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If all parties aren't playing PVP, then the one who is, is a bully, a thief and a coward.

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This is exactly why I'd suggested BI somehow allowing volunteer moderators on the public servers.  They have their hands full with development.  Meanwhile new players just trying the game see this kind of behavior and it affects how they view the game.  It's not a good introduction to such a fun game, and it's inevitably going to turn a few away.  The coverage might be hit-or-miss with volunteers, but it would at least be something.

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I'm fortunate enough to have only encountered "friendly's" on the public servers.

But I am all too aware of how awful griefers can be when I used to play DayZ Mod a lot. One person can just ruin the whole playing experience completely and I feel this is what has killed DayZ in the long run.

Have any new public servers been created in PvE yet? Hopefully PvE at least stops them from killing people. Unfortunately it doesn't stop them from griefing and destroying what you've created.

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2 hours ago, Indomitus said:

This is exactly why I'd suggested BI somehow allowing volunteer moderators on the public servers.  They have their hands full with development.  Meanwhile new players just trying the game see this kind of behavior and it affects how they view the game.  It's not a good introduction to such a fun game, and it's inevitably going to turn a few away.  The coverage might be hit-or-miss with volunteers, but it would at least be something.

Just enough to prevent repeated log ins for miscreants until they could be reviewed. I think Kim would be happy to have that job.

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I would like to add  that when i told this griefer this is a PVE server,  his  response was " PVP is enabled so get over it"  o.O

He was obviously there to grief, and  he came to the PVE  server because if he went to a  PVP server he wouldn't  have lasted a minute.  Easier to make  yourself  feel big  by attacking  the   non aggressive  people.

Anyway,  I am currently on a  pvte password  protected server,  with  friends, and having a good  time. No need to lock  buildings,  no need to watch your back or   wear armor all the time.

Maybe its   time  for  BI to start scrapping some public PVE servers... they are only  breeding grief and  dis-enchantment, and as you have  read from these incidents,  blocking pvp actions will not  stop griefing like   stealing,  filling in mines or ship mooring places, removing all the resources  and  using offensive  names and chat  and verbal harassment  ...like  having some idiot in armor  riding around  you in circles as you build   etc. making childish  taunts,   some racist,  others  just plain rude.  And its  PEGI7 

Least  on the pvte server i can allow   young  children to  watch and learn to play the game,  perhaps later on another MP game with them ,  teaching them  co-operation, etc.:D

You wont learn that with  imbeciles like  "adolf"  and his  ilk wrecking  everything.B|

Edited by kimbuck

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