2) Ability to notice a hit from a player to another player without damage being passed (no hit or "ouch" sound) -- allows us to create some creative games where shooting another person teleports players etc.
3) Ability to detect the interaction of a paint gun with an object "On paint = green, add score 1" -- This would allow for splatoon-style paint games.
@Oliver Hope_P1 @Shadow72 and others have requested some of these
1) Ability to turn nametags off for spy games
2) Ability to notice a hit from a player to another player without damage being passed (no hit or "ouch" sound) -- allows us to create some creative games where shooting another person teleports players etc.
3) Ability to detect the interaction of a paint gun with an object "On paint = green, add score 1" -- This would allow for splatoon-style paint games.
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