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RESOLVED [YLD-16185] con tinually slain by invisible predator


The title   says it  all ..

I have  been  ruthlessly  slain by an invisible predator.!

I was initially  slain ... (trying to work out the combat  system..) and   came back,  gathered  my loot and then  slew the  offending  leopard.

The an new leopard   "spawned"   alongside me  and before i  could  react,  was  made into a leopard  meal.

I cam back and could  see my   loot,  and the  leopard,  but then  something attacked me ..it  was invisible..

I made  it  back  to my  house at  my base and it was still attacking me.

I then perished on the doorstep .."Ruthlessly  slain by a  leopard.."  but all the time it was invisible..

i tried to respawn but   screen  froze ..i had to   end  task .

logs  attached..








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We reproduced the issue, so I'm happy to tell you you're not crazy :D (at least not because of this! :P)

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ok   a  follow  up ...came  back  made a spear and  approached    my  tombstone and  stabbed the vicinity ...and   lo and  behold  a  leopard  skin and  meat appeared out of thin air and  fell to the ground  ...   after i gathered my stuff and approached the tombstone,  my  avatar   froze.....   i can see it  trying to move  but it  acts like there is  something  blocking it from  moving   in any direction .  additional  logs  attached..



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for  sure!      I  managed to rejoin and  tried to move ...got an  "invalid target" message and  froze  again...so i  then  tried   the unstuck 0  command ..it  worked ...i  was moved to a beach area ...but  still stuck!   Avatar  will not   move  ...    looks like another   wait   while  i re- join

More  logs  attached  for your  log  cabin....



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Here we go again...   the unstuck  command   keeps  bringing me  back to the same  spot....on the edge of  the  PB  boundary...and  my avatar is  stuck on it...   i try to  move  away    in any direction and it  rubber bands me  back  to its  original position...and    sometimes  i  just spin on the  spot.

so  frustrating ...    i have  got  absolutely  no where   and  am  beginning to wonder....why should i bother trying?

screenshot and  more logs   for the  collection.




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Is that on the P1 NA server? It's an older map. I am working on getting a new map in.

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Yes  BB ... that was on the  current   NA  map ...and possibly its all linked to that fact....   I am  hoping it will all  disappear  with a new map  generated  under 0.12, but  posting the issues here  might be  helpful to the  devs in understanding  certain issues.

Overall, my   thoughts  are positive  for  0.12, but i have yet to  try boat building... 

I do see a lot of  floating  air- crabs ...and   predators  are still getting  stuck on top of  trees.   I  found a bear   when i chopped down a tree!  he was hiding  on top of  it and there was no predator  music playing...  He  didn't like  being   knocked out of  his tree :D ..here in  Australia they call them " Drop bears"  (aussie  joke!) ... but  this   was  not  a koala bear  and  nowhere as  friendly.

Note  also  when  catching fish.....  the  sounds repeat when  the  fish are landed ....  or  sometimes  not at all


and for a laugh ..  people   in my house  thought i was  swearing  when i was digging sand ... the sound  effect from the  speakers   sounded like  someone  saying  over and  over  "  fook ....fook" O.o

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:/  wow! now i can Tell  people   here that i have someone  who says i am not  crazy ....:)

Good to hear ....¬¬

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