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Adam Snellgrove

Dev Diary #129 - New AI Features

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Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you are all doing well and are in good health. Things are getting a little bit back to normal here in the studios and we’re working full on to bring update 1.3 to you as soon as possible ?

There are a lot of improvements coming in 1.3 in Exploration, Sandbox mode and Playlands, but we’re also working on some new Editor features. And one of these is added functionality to controlling the AI. You might have seen the video, where the Major General is being chased by a stampede of NPC’s. Well, this was made possible with the new Editor puzzle piece tile called “Move to position”. "Move to position" allows the AI to move to any position specified by the creator. You can set up at what speed and with what behaviour the AI moves. So whilst before you could set up AIs to loiter around or Patrol certain points, now you’ll be able to send them anywhere at whatever speed and with any behaviour towards the player you wish.

image (34).png

Another great addition will be the "Attack player" puzzle piece, which allows the AI to attack according to entities. So, for example, you can set up a trigger zone and when a player enters it, the selected AI attacks him while leaving other players alone. Or you can set, that a creature will attack just someone, who pulls a lever, whilst the others can watch while giggling slightly under their breaths ? For the future, we'll also make it possible for a certain group of players all belonging to one team being attacked by certain creatures and AI's so look out for that in a future update. 

So some really exciting tools to play around with in Update 1.3: Watery Waters and a lot of AI shenanigans to be had ? And that’s all for today, so stay classy, but most importantly stay safe Ylanders.

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Uh oh, we have been talking about it Adam. Nice to see it's officially posted here :)

Idea for new AI attack for mini game: a summoner class that will be able to summon a creature (animal/monster) that will follow the player everywhere to protect him from melee attackers ? The summoner will level up his hability to summon new creatures and make them stronger. Meanwhile, enemies will be occupied running away/fighting creature, while the summoner can step back and range attack enemies ?

Idea 2: having a custom template bow will mark an enemy and creature will chase it ahaha (because i can check when a player is attacked and check which active item the attacker has in hands. It it's the mark bow, it will trigger that action) 

Will be so much fun :)

Thanks @Adam Snellgroveand of course tell thanks to all the team ?

Edited by jchob
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Thank you very much. A huge upgrade. And I am noticing the visual upgrades on the scripting tiles as well. 

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Will be NPC able attack player on stairs, stumps, ruins, etc? Now Npc stuck under and "look around"...

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  On 5/25/2020 at 8:26 AM, bures.peter said:

Will be NPC able attack player on stairs, stumps, ruins, etc? Now Npc stuck under and "look around"...

Probably not yet, but we are going to look into that in the near future.


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