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RESOLVED [YLD-28625] Blocks not placeable after one or many placed.


So this one is kinda weird. It started happening after I placed my iron ladder(Short one) onto my ship. I had to break a few blocks to place it. But now when I go to place blocks in a way, it is denied saying there is no room. I even have a back wall to my ship I cannot place anything on it or near it. I did do a full game restart and it fixed maybe one or two spots, but the issue is still there. Not sure what else to do. Here is a video of what is taking place. Also I included the log file.

Thank You





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6 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Thanks for the report and video. We have registered other occurrences of this happening and are investigating so thank you for the info ? I'll let you know if we need any other information.

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1 hour ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

And you do have the ship in Constraction mode?

Yes, it is only the haul (Large Ship), iron ladder (short) and wooden blocks(small square ones).

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same frustrating  problem  encountered here

ship is in construction mode ... some  blocks   placed  ok   then suddenly   it went   haywire.

screenshots and   logs  attached

the   alert message  visible  in 2 of the  screenshots








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did some  experimenting ..it  might be an issue with that   block ( asset) ..      i  constructed a  row  of   small windows   along the  top  and   then the  block would  fit in underneath them .  but they would only   fit in where the  windows  were .

screenshot  attached



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