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RESOLVED Bug with creator cube/blueprints (weld problems)


So this is an odd one. If you have the creator cube equipped and make a blueprint, it automatically creates it....BUT if you damage the structure in any way, almost all the blocks disappear except for the blocks that you can interact with such as doors, etc!! 

If you unequip the creator cube and place the blueprint table, then re equip the cube to get the materials for it...once it is complete the blocks function normally. They do not all disappear this way once they are damaged.



Edited by spiritchaser28

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When creating a blueprint, I noticed that when you create a blueprint directly using a cube, then blueprint is a welded entity

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Hmmm then something is wrong with the amount of damage it can take, One hit with sword, hammer, or other weapon should not destroy the entire weld.....or does this mean with creator cube equipped one hit causes a million damage, no matter the weapon used?


Edited by spiritchaser28

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With a creator cube equipped, I do normal damage, including to something welded using editor. However, just like @spiritchaser28, I also can destroy all of the non-interactable blocks with one swing.


I wonder if this is connected to this error:


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I think this may somehow be related to the issue. It mainly involves welding entities on different map styles. I found out today if you weld a composition on a flat terrain style map in editor it seems to behave correctly as it is intended....however if you weld a composition on a legacy style map from editor, the blocks you are welding simply vanish. I have seen people complaining about blocks vanishing from ships in new exploration and in other legacy style maps. I believe this is because once you assemble a ship it becomes welded. It seems however if you are using a blueprint for ships made from editor imported from flat terrain to legacy , you can assemble and dissasemble them without fear of the blocks vanishing....that instance only applies if the blueprint was made without creator cube on those style maps. Also if you import a welded composition from flat terrain editor map to legacy map in editor, the welded blocks seem to behave correctly. It is ONLY when it first becomes a welded entity on legacy maps (and current exploration for ships welding) that the blocks vanish......Hope this makes sense

In short. I believe now that the real issue of vanishing blocks was not the creator cube, or the blueprint itself....it is the fact these entities became welded first on legacy and exploration style maps. 

Edited by spiritchaser28

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I use these images as examples. I opened legacy explore map in editor and placed this composition. Chose all roof blocks to weld, they then vanished....then chose all stone blocks to weld....they also vanished. 






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Same composition on flat terrain map. Welding entities ( roof again) on this style map do not vanish and behave correctly.



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