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RESOLVED [YLD-29893] Ship Compass Triangles Incorrect


The ship compass has the triangles (indicating islands) in the wrong spots. This has been happening on multiple maps, including new Exploration.



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4 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Hello :) The arrows should display underwater encounters and not islands because since we have all islands visible and closer together there was no need for islands indicator.

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Actually, there doesn't seem to be any Random Encounter at the triangles. ? 

The Random Encounters are still properly indicated by the little flag symbol.


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3 hours ago, ocnoglittle said:

Ve skutečnosti se u trojúhelníků nezdá, že by došlo k náhodnému setkání. ? 

Náhodná setkání jsou stále správně označena symbolem malé vlajky.


souhlasím ;) 


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