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RESOLVED [YLD-32158] Logged in... and lost all progress including ship


I logged in  ...and  found  myself sitting on the top of  my ship somewhere  "up in the air"  with a  message  'i am freezing". ...so i pressed w  to stand up and   "poof"  ship  disappeared and i was on the shoreline  on the  island i had been on, ... and   no ship. nothing !

So i pressed  Q  to  summons   ship ...    option was greyed out

so wonderful!

Lost all progress ....   lost the  ship ....  and all the  stuff i collected  through   exploration .....     and   rapidly  losing   the  remainder of  my interest  in this  game.

tried  re logging ...  same  result  . end  up on the shore  with  just my inventory.

tried everything ....   ie  relogging   ...  no  go.

logs attached  but  i don't hold  any hope  of that  achieving  anything.

Am i  angry?

what do you think?




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Issues were caused by very unstable network connection. We implemented a lot of mitigation in 1.7 and several other "save cases" between 1.8 and 2.0. Since then similar issues happen only to users who disconnected from key features for more then 15 minutes straight. Even in this most unlikely scenario when player send report feedback through in-game message (which automatically sends logs), devs (me) should be able to restore any lost backend progress.

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Possible path  of looking for a solution to this  issue:

Notice that  ships   tend to "drift" from their   mooring position between sessions.    If you moor a ship  close to a pier or  a land  based  dock,  they "drift"  further out to sea   a bit  when you return to the game. Its like there is a limit as to how  close  to the edge of the  ocean  a ship can be to "spawn" in  on log in.

I was contacted  directly  by another player   who encountered a similar  situation to  mine.   He moored  his  ship  close to the  shore in a  small inlet....  there was a flat beach  alongside.   Upon  re- joining the game, with his  avatar  inside the ship  cabin,  - he experienced   a bouncing  effect  with his  avatar   bouncing in and out of the  ship as it  bounced...   similar to what i experienced.  When  he tried to move  he "fell" through the ships  hull onto the beach  and  saw his  ship   bouncing up and  down over the  flat sandy beach.  He  managed to  unsummon his  ship .....  then    summon it    back into deeper water away form the  shore.

In my case, i had moored the  ship  adjacent to a sandy  hill ...which was  taller than my ship.

I  now  suspect  that  my  ship position "drifted" when offline and  tried to  respawn  on top of that hill .... sending it  skywards.  That would explain the  "i am  freezing  " message  and aerial  view of  just clouds. When i  pressed  "w" i fell through the  ships  hull to the  beach ...    possibly  perishing in the  process and  out of  reach of that ship that's possibly   still there ....  " over the rainbow,  way up high!"  :-? and  in  some sort of region limbo

When i re-join, i  appear on the hillside  near where the  ship was,  and for a  few seconds i get a  ghosted " loading wheel"  briefly.

So   could  this be   of  assistance as to what's  happening/or  happened here?



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ok  tried  everything ...  re logging ... moving off the   "bugged" island to another .... no luck

time for a  break from ylands ...  it  might be a long one.       join  all my friends   who used to be here.


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Did you try loading  a previous save and summoning the ship there? It's a long shot but I have heard it has worked for a few people.


Edited by spiritchaser28

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Yes    spiritchaser  ...   exhausted  all   options.       Taking a  break for a few days  - then  re-assessing things.  Thanks  ;0


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Well I hate to hear you lost your ship. I can help you build another fast if you want. I have plenty of resources . And even if you have a blueprint that costs thousands of logs, glass, stone, etc I can usually fill a blueprint in a few minutes. Ask @NICO14973. Just helped him make his ship. Didn't take long at all.


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ty  spirit   ;0   i made it to the starter island ..   i still have  weaponry  and  items in inventory ...   will start a new ship  (  always  bigger and better  :)  )  but  first  got  some  rl  shopping and stuff to do.

whats  annoying   was all the resources   i had stored on the ship ... ah well...  guess thats  life.

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Sorry about that :(

We're already investigating what happened and how we can prevent it from happening again :(

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I see in discord  chat that  another player lost their  ship in identical circumstances ...and  same   experience., ie  ship went  skywards   tossing them out then  flew  off into the never - never

So ..  do not moor  your  ship in an  inlet  between  cliffs or  land  and then log out  with your  avatar inside.


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going to log in and test this with a  "disposable  ship"    see if i can duplicate results and get screenshots


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