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Suddenly i found the Raycast will Hit nothing,if the start position in the Entity's inside

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Like this, if the  Raycast Line start mushroom's postion, to the direction(0,0,1), then there is nothing can be hit.

So does this is a bug? Or maybe i want know why?

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1) Have you checked to make sure collision is on for all objects?

2) Have you checked the distance of the raycast? If your raycast distance is too far it will not work.

3) Raycast inside (or beside an object) might cause it to immediately "hit"? Have you tried using a console text that prints the hit position?


Edited by Igor Q.

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  On 7/8/2022 at 1:37 AM, Igor Q. said:



1) Have you checked to make sure collision is on for all objects?------Yes, Collision is enabled.

2) Have you checked the distance of the raycast? If your raycast distance is too far it will not work.---------I have test different distance, and i didn't find raycast to be invalid.so i think the length is not a problem.

3) Raycast inside (or beside an object) might cause it to immediately "hit"? Have you tried using a console text that printa the hit position?-----Yes i always text with console. And my ways is use a Entity's postion & axis_Z direction to fire a raycast. But once put the entity  into another object, the raycast will


Hi Igor.Q Sorry for so late to reply.

I test again and here is my .yland. The answer is same, if you can check it.


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for me,it works good.
entity 1 = mushroom position Y 0.375 
entity 2= mushroom position Y 0.255
everytime hit correct target ,collisions ON

Edited by Mello1223

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  On 7/10/2022 at 7:23 PM, Mello1223 said:


for me,it works good.

Oh,Yes, for now i think raycast is work good. I think i make a misunderstanding. The point is: if the Begin position in another Object's body, then the raycast will ignore Object-self and keep going forward (before our test, i just thought it will hit Object-self). and @Igor Q. Everything is clear now.

By the way ,i found this problem because i'm trying make a function to let my AI-bot move in the ground, and there is some Entity to block road.

The origin idea is just found a position by raycast, and AI can go to the position. But then i found if my AI walk into the Entity, caused by some rotate event, like if AI near the wall,and suddenly rotate, then it will enter the wall, and once they already be in the wall, the raycast will not use. It will never help me found a right position to go.

And yes, i know this is not a Complete function, So at last, i choose bfs to find a road.😆

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colliders on objects have just one side active. In most cases it is enough and you can have half of active "colliders". If you want to hit also object itself than I would suggest to use Overlap sphere script tile with really small radius.

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