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RESOLVED Some bugs i have noticed


1- occasionally i will lose the ability to eat. reloading the game fixes this

2- While placing light sources on the ship works, they fall off when lit. this might also be true with campfire. will check.

3- not sure the sun rises in the east.

4- Periodic hanging of the game. Happens often, game hangs for a second or 2 then comes back.

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3 replies to this bug / suggestion

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1) a 2) - we'll look into that that, thanks!

3) Just to make sure - you're using the map to tell where the north  (and therefore also east) is and the sun doesn't rise where you'd expect? Is the difference big? At times the sun actually rises somewhat north or south of the true east - but any other place does indeed sound like a bug and in that case checking your your savegame (found under Documents/Ylands/SaveGames) could help us find and fix the potential issue.

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