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Flo Le

RESOLVED [YLD-7939] Game freezing in crafting menu



i have an issue with the crafting recipes in the crafting menu. Whenever i start a game and progress far enought, my game is freeting when opening the crafting menu oder scolling down in the crafting menu (depends on how much posible recipes i have in the menu) now i startet a game wirth only a very few ressources so far and the game is freezing when i try to open the crafting menu. All was good, as long as i had no lether in the inventory. With the lether in the inventory, my game is freezing again. i have a sceenshot (a very bad, i know, but i reacted to slow for a better one). The screenshot shows all the materials ia had. Without the lether, i could open the crafting menu and do whatever i wanted to do. There need to be a corrupted recipe, which needs lether.

Please let me know, if you need any more Infomation about it. I realy want to get this fixed. I realy enjoy the game so far, but can't play it for long and can't realy begin to build much.


Best regards

Florian Lemmer


PS.: I had an issue with the forum here the last time and sent you and email. Sorry for that. But now i am trieing to go the right way. ;)


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108 replies to this bug / suggestion

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6 hours ago, flokai said:

I have ATI Radeon™ HD 5670 Graphics

I think the older Radeon graphics cards (<7000'ish) won't work properly with this game... I previously had a Radeon 6600 but I found a 7750 somewhere in my house, and swapped them out. After the swap I haven't had any issues with the crafting system, but now I can't launch my game somehow :/

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Hopefully this issue will be solved by 0.10 :)

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11 hours ago, Sir_Duck said:

I think the older Radeon graphics cards (<7000'ish) won't work properly with this game... I previously had a Radeon 6600 but I found a 7750 somewhere in my house, and swapped them out. After the swap I haven't had any issues with the crafting system, but now I can't launch my game somehow :/

Why can''t you launch the game? Any error message?

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I just loaded up my old save game and it still crashes.  I'll try starting a new game from scratch later on and see how that goes.

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On 13/3/2018 at 11:02 AM, Ane said:

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do directly to fix it, since it's on the Unity/video card driver level. We contacted AMD to see if they can help us out, but this might take a while. Sorry about that.

This info from March still applies to this issue.

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Issue was fixed later on in 2018 when AMD responded, although it should be also obsolete because the UI part handling this part was completely redone.

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