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Found 4 results

  1. Robin-230ee54b7a856a47

    RESOLVED Freezing Bug

    Hey, found another bug in ylands last update After a ship trip, i got the message for freezing, later on a island it doesnt dissapaer, it doesnt disappear while standing beside a fire too after reconnect the message dissapaer but i got damage till death
  2. Hi, i have an issue with the crafting recipes in the crafting menu. Whenever i start a game and progress far enought, my game is freeting when opening the crafting menu oder scolling down in the crafting menu (depends on how much posible recipes i have in the menu) now i startet a game wirth only a very few ressources so far and the game is freezing when i try to open the crafting menu. All was good, as long as i had no lether in the inventory. With the lether in the inventory, my game is freezing again. i have a sceenshot (a very bad, i know, but i reacted to slow for a better one). The screenshot shows all the materials ia had. Without the lether, i could open the crafting menu and do whatever i wanted to do. There need to be a corrupted recipe, which needs lether. Please let me know, if you need any more Infomation about it. I realy want to get this fixed. I realy enjoy the game so far, but can't play it for long and can't realy begin to build much. Best regards Florian Lemmer PS.: I had an issue with the forum here the last time and sent you and email. Sorry for that. But now i am trieing to go the right way.
  3. Hello, yet another bug I was sailing for quite a while, i'd say more than half an hour, didn't see any birds or islands. I sailed to the point where i saw the border of the fog, a white line, behind which fog was present. Sailed for some time after that, decided to restart my game, thought that it was glitched and no islands were spawning. Once restarted, i pressed ''Continue'' on that exact same save and bam, game doesn't even load, it freezes or crashes when the game kind of rolls up to the sky, doesn't even show any ''Loading ...'' signs. Is there something that can be done for this ? Will be happy to receive any help ! (Image added, shows the last point at which i could take a picture using ''Fraps'', beyond that, it was just a crash)
  4. Game freezes all the time... it freezes randomly. could take 5-60 mins to freeze and crash.... lowered the graphic settings to the lowest and seemed to even crash more. somtimes it will freeze for like 3 secs and be fine. but most of the time it will just freeze and crash. so many wasted hours and lost progress. seems like the game is crashing more and more than when it 1st came out. please help