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Found 6 results

  1. Hello again! I am playing for a long time on Official Explore PA 15, and suddenly noticed a few recipes cannot be seen in the crafting menu even when I have all the ingredients. I am currently unable to locate the recipes for: - Repair Kit - Bear Hide Boots (I died for that brown bear hide!). - Probably more recipes I am not aware of. I definitely have hammer and rope for the repair kits, and I most definitely have a sewing kit, knife and brown bear hide for the boots. I have never crafted repair kits or boots in this session. Attached is the output log files. Please assist! Thanks! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hi, i have an issue with the crafting recipes in the crafting menu. Whenever i start a game and progress far enought, my game is freeting when opening the crafting menu oder scolling down in the crafting menu (depends on how much posible recipes i have in the menu) now i startet a game wirth only a very few ressources so far and the game is freezing when i try to open the crafting menu. All was good, as long as i had no lether in the inventory. With the lether in the inventory, my game is freezing again. i have a sceenshot (a very bad, i know, but i reacted to slow for a better one). The screenshot shows all the materials ia had. Without the lether, i could open the crafting menu and do whatever i wanted to do. There need to be a corrupted recipe, which needs lether. Please let me know, if you need any more Infomation about it. I realy want to get this fixed. I realy enjoy the game so far, but can't play it for long and can't realy begin to build much. Best regards Florian Lemmer PS.: I had an issue with the forum here the last time and sent you and email. Sorry for that. But now i am trieing to go the right way.
  3. Two Sandstone Medium Ramp blocks require the iron chisel as a material rather than a tool. The entire iron chisel is used to create a single Medium Sandstone ramp Block. There are two recipes this occurs for as far as I can tell, The plain Sandstone ramp and the convex corner ramp block. Both are medium recipes.
  4. In the inventory you can tell if a block is small (1x1x1) or Medium (2x2x2) By a S or a M in the bottom right hand corner of the slot. This does not appear in the crafting interface and so there is not way to tell if you are crafting a medium or a small version of the block. Also names are vague all plain sandstone blocks are called "Sandstone Block" and all decorated sandstone blocks are called "Decorated Sandstone Block" It doesn't matter if they are a convex decorated medium ramp or a small plain ramp its all "Sandstone Block" or "Decorated Sandstone Block"
  5. Hi, I'm playing an multiplayer game visible to others with password. As I have reached to the point where I need an Blacksmith Forge, I can see it in the catalog, and I have all the missing recepies except Anvil. I have all the materials that the Wiki says i should have, 1x Iron Ingot and a hammer. But I can't find the Anvil in the catalog is this a bug or should I do something to unlock it? Same thing is for the Saw. thank you, best regards, Nysse
  6. The Medieval Window recipe uses an entire hammer as an ingredient instead of using durability. I presume this is an oversight, but correct me if I'm wrong. (Pretty sure there are other recipes that do this but I haven't been paying too much attention)