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Found 7 results

  1. When running the game at 4k there is a scaling issue when working with crafting stations. The interface also blocks the tips on the bottom.
  2. In the inventory you can tell if a block is small (1x1x1) or Medium (2x2x2) By a S or a M in the bottom right hand corner of the slot. This does not appear in the crafting interface and so there is not way to tell if you are crafting a medium or a small version of the block. Also names are vague all plain sandstone blocks are called "Sandstone Block" and all decorated sandstone blocks are called "Decorated Sandstone Block" It doesn't matter if they are a convex decorated medium ramp or a small plain ramp its all "Sandstone Block" or "Decorated Sandstone Block"
  3. When ingame screenshot is saved game tells you that it was saved and name of the file, but you don't know where it was saved. I found that it is saved to Documents\Ylands\Screenshots\"month"\... but game didn't tell me. Show some tip at least, that it is in documents. Show full path. Or if you click on name of the file it can open window (for example in windows) with directory. Build: 0.01.11067
  4. Repro: Start any gamemodeSwitch to first person camera (C key default)Go to menu (ESC) or inventory and you still see crosshair (white dot) over every screenDesired: Crosshair should be visible only during gameplay when player can move character with mouse and not when mouse cursor is used in menus.Build: 0.01.11067
  5. repro: 1] in the Main Menu Select JOIN 2]choose a game/server and click on it to expand the information 3]click on the Information icon to show this server settings 4]click on BACK 5]observe that you have been taken to the "Select Scenario to play" in the Single player part of the menu.
  6. Lamp doesn't shine in inventory when tooltip show Repro: Run game and start creator mode Open inventory and Creator tab Find Ylandium lamp Hover with mouse over some other item until tooltip is shown. When tooltip exist shine aroud lamp item is not visible. Note: see video Build: 0.01.11067 Lamp_inventory_not_shine.mp4
  7. Mouse scroll is slow in Controls setup menu, but it is ok in for example in Inventory - Creator menu. Repro: Go to menu - ConfigureControlsControls SetupUse mouse wheel to scroll down/up and I have to do like 2 full spins to move one line.Note: It is ok in inventory. Build: 0.01.11067 Controls_slow_mousescroll.mp4