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Found 3 results

  1. After Interaction with campfire to produce some food is interaction with other object disabled. 1 Start game 2 create campfire 3 interact with campfire. click produce any food and quit the menu 4 try to use some tools - interaction with other objects are disabled Build: 0.01.11067 Unfortunately that can't be reproduced with 100% success. Same issuse apears with - Tanning rack. Im going to try to investigace that issue to find more information.
  2. abab AAbb

    Y-axis mouse sensitivity?

    A way to change the y-axis mouse sensitivity would be nice, right now my mouse turns me left/right much faster than up/down
  3. Mouse scroll is slow in Controls setup menu, but it is ok in for example in Inventory - Creator menu. Repro: Go to menu - ConfigureControlsControls SetupUse mouse wheel to scroll down/up and I have to do like 2 full spins to move one line.Note: It is ok in inventory. Build: 0.01.11067 Controls_slow_mousescroll.mp4