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Found 6 results

  1. Hello again! I am playing for a long time on Official Explore PA 15, and suddenly noticed a few recipes cannot be seen in the crafting menu even when I have all the ingredients. I am currently unable to locate the recipes for: - Repair Kit - Bear Hide Boots (I died for that brown bear hide!). - Probably more recipes I am not aware of. I definitely have hammer and rope for the repair kits, and I most definitely have a sewing kit, knife and brown bear hide for the boots. I have never crafted repair kits or boots in this session. Attached is the output log files. Please assist! Thanks! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hi, I was creating my ship placing block and suddenly im stuck at the mass sail. So output_log.txtoutput_log_clean.txtwhat i did was press /unstuck 0. Then the game load back, then my ship went missing. Cant see the ship.
  3. DW's Gaming N Animation

    Missing Purchased Skins and Items

    First off I love the new update, its like playing the game a new game, but with the new update I lost all of the skins and items I purchased. I had started out with 6800 Coyns and I purchases some skins, and now I have 4600 Coyns, but none of my purchased skins are there.
  4. yesterday i logged out of [OFFICIAL] EXPLORE NA 32 (early morning PST) with no issues of any kind (on server or client), shortly afterwards i tried to rejoin the server. however it was and is still not being listed in the server list. please investigate
  5. chrono208


    Can you guys help and find out what happened to explore na 5? I had gotten kicked from it earlier and tried to reenter but alas i could not. I logged out of steam and my computer and checked for updates as well waiting a couple hours before re-trying to log back in but when faced with the continue button it shows NA 5 unavailable and it also no longer appears in the server list. Please help! My friends and i have made some significant progress and do not want to restart rn. -Chrono
  6. Hi, I'm playing an multiplayer game visible to others with password. As I have reached to the point where I need an Blacksmith Forge, I can see it in the catalog, and I have all the missing recepies except Anvil. I have all the materials that the Wiki says i should have, 1x Iron Ingot and a hammer. But I can't find the Anvil in the catalog is this a bug or should I do something to unlock it? Same thing is for the Saw. thank you, best regards, Nysse