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RESOLVED [YLD-7927] Inventory and interaction glitch!!


So i host a server and publish it and limit it to allow just my friend to play on it. All is well for about an hour or two into the gameplay. At about that point my inventory bugs out to the point where i cant move any obects in it, or into my hot bar. Also terra forming with the pick does not work either. I have also tried entering workbenches and cannot, also trying to enter a crate just  does the crate opening animatinon but the crate inventory does not show up. I have no idea what causes this. But i have hosted two different gamesith the same settings and it happens the exact same way!! Any help would be appreciated!! Just to add some things i am able to pick any object on the ground, i can also drop any objet from my inventory. This bug litteraly makes advacing in the game imposible, as i have entered a cave, fell down to a lower point in said cave and cannot terra form my way out of the small opening to the light that i find.

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14 replies to this bug / suggestion

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We managed to fix this issue and will appear as fixed in one of the upcoming updates.

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i have the same issue i think its because of the last update i cannot open any chest or inventory correctly . need to be fix please

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Same issue for me, can not open any inventory but my own and even that is glitched out.  Tried starting a new game and ran into the same issue after only 15min of game play.

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are you guys only playing multiplayer? or is this happening in the Single player also?

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  On 12/8/2017 at 4:49 AM, Gracekain said:

are you guys only playing multiplayer? or is this happening in the Single player also?

Haven't really played solo. Has only been in my hosted multiplayer games. 

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Those of you having this issue, please send us the following files: output_log and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

Sending your save games (the ones where you're having the issue), would help a lot too! The saves are stored under Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\remote\SaveGames.

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  On 12/8/2017 at 10:20 AM, Madamko said:

Thank you all for sending logs, we are looking into this issue! 

Hello i just recently ran into this issue, Me and my wife ran the large ship into the shore, i jumped off the ship and its been glitched since, i open chest i hear the sound but the screen doesnt come up, i cant access the foundries or anything no screen pops up, my wife cannot join my game anymore after this happened. i deleted my character with the editor and it didnt fix, ive also sent the file to my wifes computer and she has the same problem. ive played 40 hours on this game with my wife i wouldnt like to start over please help 

Edited by stainless88

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  On 12/11/2017 at 1:09 AM, stainless88 said:

Hello i just recently ran into this issue, Me and my wife ran the large ship into the shore, i jumped off the ship and its been glitched since, i open chest i hear the sound but the screen doesnt come up, i cant access the foundries or anything no screen pops up, my wife cannot join my game anymore after this happened. i deleted my character with the editor and it didnt fix, ive also sent the file to my wifes computer and she has the same problem. ive played 40 hours on this game with my wife i wouldnt like to start over please help 

Try killing your horse if you have one named. It should clear this up.

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  On 12/11/2017 at 1:17 AM, renderin said:

Try killing your horse if you have one named. It should clear this up.

wow thank you so so much that worked just killing the horse thanks for the super quick reply

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