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Eddie Simmons


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While playing Ylands with my friends I had to log off for a little bit, so naturally I logged off on our boat because we would be traveling and I wouldn't be left behind.  Whenever I logged back on I had died due to freezing, that being not too big of a deal I was going to just swim back out to the boat.  However, the game decided to spawn me on a random island that we have not been to before.  My friends and I are very limited on the options we have, I can try my luck and guess a direction to sail to and TRY to find and island that we have been to before, but that is about it.  Is there ANY way you are able to teleport to someone in game?  If there is not there should AT LEAST be a coordinate system in the game to help find players and to make up for the lack of teleporting.  Being stranded on a random island with absolutely no idea of which way to head and practically being lost from the group for all of eternity is a pretty big flaw, the game is very fun and very enjoyable but we don't want to have to completely start over due to the fact we cannot find each other, especially since I spent a long time building onto the ship we have been using to get around.

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I'm afraid it's not possible for players to teleport at this time :( Are you guys carrying a map?

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  On 12/14/2017 at 8:26 AM, Ane said:

I'm afraid it's not possible for players to teleport at this time :( Are you guys carrying a map?

Yes we had maps however the maps were erasing for the people connected to the host whenever they would either die or relog. I was the host of this game and spent quite a while flying around in the editor seeing if he ended up on a nearby yland to move his character but it could not be found and isn't worth looking for the needle in the haystack. We're basically being forced to restart since there is no way for him to get back to the rest of our group. A simple fix to this problem would be either a teleportation option for admins or in-game coordinates so we can find one another if we ever get separated by either glitches or general exploration. We've been playing with a group of 2-5 for about 20+ hours and will be writing up a list of suggestions, bugs, and glitches in the near future to hopefully help.

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Me and my friend have had the same problem just minutes ago. We've been playing in the same world for days and yesterday he set out in his big ship to find new ressources while I stayed back on the first island. Today when we relog, his map has reset and he has no idea which way to go to get home. Guess it's another restart.


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Sorry about that, guys! The map resetting issue is definitely a bug and we're working to fix it.

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Had the same problem. Now I can't do anything. Just waiting for a command for teleporting players or something else.

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  On 12/15/2017 at 8:25 AM, Ane said:

Sorry about that, guys! The map resetting issue is definitely a bug and we're working to fix it.

This is truly one of the most frustrating things. To be working on an island and having to navigate your player back to it for 10 mins :Z

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Yes having the map save to the character at logout would be great, so that

1) you don't have to remap everything

2) you can see where you have traveled

3) navigate back home if you randomly appear somewhere.

Alternatively, what i do is when i travel i place my map in the hot-bar on screen, open it once before i travel yland or across seas,

when I'm just about to logout, on the map, screenshot revealed areas.

I now have some idea where i have been.

At least till the map issue has been resolved or a fix of some kind.

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The only thing that needs be done is fixing the map issue resetting, i for one, do not want a teleport option at all in this game, it s all about sailing your way in an unknown world of scattered islands, this is not star trek, teleporting would kill the purpose of the game, i say no to teleporting, totally.

Edited by YadNiMonde
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  On 1/21/2018 at 2:24 AM, YadNiMonde said:

The only thing that needs be done is fixing the map issue resetting, i for one, do not want a teleport option at all in this game, it s all about sailing your way in an unknown world of scattered islands, this is not star trek, teleporting would kill the purpose of the game, i say no to teleporting, totally.

No teleporting yes, however whenever you spawn on a completely random Yland with no hope of ever finding your friends.  I would say teleporting is needed.  It happened to me and my friends a couple times where we had to completely restart our world because one of use respawned on a random Yland none of us have been to.  So I say yes teleporting (for server owner only) or at least a coordinate system

Edited by Eddie Simmons
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I realise this is an older post but I think the 0.7 update has added that feature of jumping to a specific character in the editor. Maybe give it a go now and reunite  with your pals?

  • [Editor] Added "Any player" as a target of actions
  • [Editor] Added "Go to the character" option
Edited by handofthesly

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