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Igor Q.

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Everything posted by Igor Q.

  1. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Urgent: Have a logic statment that says If Array has object/value inside = true (Putting multiple for each statements makes code extremely confusing)
  2. Igor Q.

    AMAZING new game Castle Hunt.

    The easy thing about scripting is that once you are done, you are done. Spyler had to deal with me making new decor suggestions all the time ?
  3. Igor Q.


    These look awesome!
  4. I had to reinstall steam. It was very painful.
  5. Help output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. Is this a bug? ### Game started at 4:45:58 PM, 2/2/2019 ## Error # Wrong argument type in call SPAWN ENTITY at argument Type. Expected ENTITY TYPE but provided ENTITY TEMPLATE (ENTITY TEMPLATE 1) Stack trace: SPAWN ENTITY(Template, Container) (#2) in LEVER (ID:52) ON SWITCH ON(Trigger object) (#1) in LEVER (ID:52) ### Game ended at 4:46:16 PM, 2/2/2019
  7. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    "Set Active Item" Allow us to retrieve projectile information and edit its information such as color damage etc. Allow us to "attach" objects/game logics to each other. Ex: Attach the fire particle animation to an arrow projectile. Attach a zone trigger with a player. etc. Create a way point system connect with curved lines to tell objects or living entities to walk/run along the given path. Give us the option to input color codes using rgb. Ex: (000,000,255,000) Allow us to modify and set custom valued for vehicle max speed, acceleration, etc. Allow us to modify defense stats for armors through the object editor. Event listner - On attack (listens to when an attack animation goes off) used for both melee AND ranged weapons Start - start of animation Blocked - as soon as damage applies End - At the end of the animation Change "new interaction" to have a channel time (default of 0 seconds) so we can have cool charge up abilities and etc Allow us to have a sound sampler for sound library Allow us to use animations from other actions. Allow us to switch items to interupt reloading animation Set Islands/Caves to regenerate into a new system if they haven't been visited in a while.
  8. Igor Q.

    Peacefull country

    It looks really nice on the inside! ?
  9. Igor Q.

    DEV ANSWER Can't spawn entity template

    Context: I'm trying to spawn a chest inside the players inventory but every way I''ve tried has been denied.
  10. Igor Q.

    Random Min (0) Max (0)

    Hi Could we please have a Random Min/Max options that does not use whole integers only? Thanks.
  11. Igor Q.

    Random Min (0) Max (0)

    I already did this, but its cumbersome
  12. Igor Q.

    Random Min (0) Max (0)

    Whats the decimal range?
  13. Igor Q.

    Igor's Script Composition Thread

    The script was too short, so I just uploaded the direct answer ? Make sure to select the car chassis. (For both set velocity and get velocity)
  14. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #63

    @Aleš Ulm https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ylands_Game_logic_-_Impassable_barrier Thanks
  15. Igor Q.

    Dev Diary #63

    Awesome to hear we are FINALLY getting some bosses in this game! Hope they require some unique fight strategies aside spamming the attack button. I believe with this chat system, chatting through players in game is great. Though the idea of some form of isolation in explorer mode might be something worth retaining. Can you also give us the ability to generate Explorer maps with a lobby zone similiar to Minecraft with special logics/trigger inside the lobby zone? It would help regulate open server PVE.
  16. Igor Q.

    Igor's Script Composition Thread

    You need to use the script "set velocity of vehicle to, get velocity of vehicle + C value" Usually with C being some combination of X=(cos Y angle), Y=0, Z=(sinY angle) I'll try working on it tonight
  17. Igor Q.

    Coconut Radio

    @Deadeye_Rob https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/900
  18. Hey I figured I'd make a video once I had the problem.
  19. Igor Q.

    Igor's Script Composition Thread

    If you guys have requests please ask
  20. Igor Q.

    Coconut Radio

    @Deadeye_Rob If you want I can work on a script for this radio system however it will not be compatible with current Explorer games since they do not allow for game logic script. If you are interested, let me know and I'll start making it
  21. Igor Q.

    More Editor Options I would like to have.

    Allow us to import logics/scripts etc into Explorer maps so we can provide some tools for players and create a proper lobby room. Allow multiplayer creative/explorer worlds to be infinite size with multiple islands. Proposal: If only 1 player exists within a certain area, make his changes only update onto the server once every 5 minutes or whenever another player enters the same area. Allow us to make NPC's do basic AI commands like walk to a location, attack a specific entity, and consume an item. Allow us to change the attack speed and heavy attack modifier values. Adjust player hp regeneration. (Would be useful if we can set it to zero) Active movement using equations with time. X = sin (time) Allow trading with NPC to store gold value as "coyns" that can then be used later on with other NPC's. Let all colors be customizable for weapons such as spears. Allow us to import models....atleast for weapons. Add some kind of Radio system for Multiplayer games. You can construct a radio of a specific color. Whenever you talk while holding the radio, any player with the same color radio will be able to hear what you say. (I will try to attempt to make a script for this).
  22. Hi I've tried several times this morning trying to disable default interactions with items and inserting my own but with no success. I've tried it with a book, with a block, and with an anvil with no success. I can interact with the item on the floor, but can't interact with the item in my hand. I've tried using the default interaction with a book in my hand and using a trigger and I get nothing aswell. I've tried using Event Listener but found nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there really no way to set something up as simple as a custom interaction for an item?
  23. Igor Q.

    Craftable, writable Books

    I think this would be awesome, especially if we can make copies of books/maps to give to newer players.
  24. Igor Q.

    Sharegames FAQ

    How long until this can support +10 players for PVE servers?
  25. Igor Q.

    Ylandium Refining Company & Bank

    Very nice