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Posts posted by JgrPower

  1. 2 hours ago, Oliver Hope_P1 said:

    Thank you 9_9 i feel it should be the same for locked doors, imo its more likely you will want to just open the door and leave it locked and if you dont want the door to open if its locked you could just use an if statment and check if its locked

    I thing we could get away with modifying a tile. Now we have "Open/Close entity [Entity]". We could change it a bit by adding an additional boolean. Something like "Open/Close entity [Entity] ignore lock [Bool]" where if the ignore lock would be true, it would open a locked door and if its false it would not.
    We'll think about it. :) 

    • Upvote 1

  2. 11 minutes ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    The bloody flying sharks seem to be a thing of the past.

    @bb cakes_P1No problem ;):D


    11 minutes ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    But it does seem like my pigs and panthers have learned how to climb trees.

    Interesting, but definitely not related to the flying sharks issue. Is it happening often?

  3. Hello.

    This issue will be fixed in the next hotfix update.

    Based on your feedback we will also increase the range of the vicinity from 2 meters to 2.5 meters (it will match interaction range). We will not be able to increase the range further because we need to keep the looting consistent among all systems (focusing with your mouse and looting VS vicinity looting).

    The vicinity looting is supposed to help with precision looting. When looting logs from a felled tree It should be easier for you to pick up only logs from the inventory then running around and trying to focus only logs between all the sticks, bark and seeds. 

    Any additional feedback is appreciated as we definitely want to improve this system.

    Thank you guys

    • Upvote 3

  4. 43 minutes ago, Shadow72 said:

    Rename all blocks so they are more easily searchable(For example, right now if you search for vehicle nothing will pop up, even though there are multiple blocks relating to vehicles. So instead of having a block be named Set Velocity it should be Vehicle Set Velocity).

    We have a system ready for this. Our designers can add related key words to all blocks. Meaning we can add "vehicle" to block "Set Velocity" without renaming it and it will show up in your search. @Ane Is preparing a topic under "Visual scripting" where everyone will be able to leave similar suggestions. (like "I was searching "Vehicle" and i expected to find "Set Velocity" and "Get Velocity".") This will help us a ton in making the search more efficient. :) 
