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Ylands QA
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Everything posted by Chocho-bis

  1. Chocho-bis


    Hi, this was always like this but I will rather clarify it more thoroughly. If you are playing on steam and you are playing local game or sharegame, both of these are peer to peer games = one player is always hosting it and rest are clients connected to him -> anytime host disconnects the session is ended an all other players are sent to main menu. The only difference between local game and sharegame is that when host leaves sharegame its save is also uploaded to our storage which is accessible to any any participant -> any player who was present in the sharegame can rehost the save and continue (they can connect back and the first who will connect will host it). In case of simple local game it can run only when original host is there. If you are playing on rented server (can be played on steam, MS store, iOS and android), which is only rentable for coyns, game is always online and no player is needed for hosting.
  2. All items are automatically taken from inventory containers since 2.0, should be fine.
  3. issue was caused by showing text during loading screen issue was mitigated to minimum, could still happen in some corner cases on slower machines.
  4. Actually this was as designed, for sake of less inventory spamming it is used only one resource for all blocks. So we would have to do it only other way around to increase resources for other blocks so it will stay as it is.
  5. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED cannot respawn on multiplayer map

    issue was caused by pets and was properly fixed in 1.9.2
  6. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Constant Game Freezing/Crashes

    There was nothing in the logs nor anything was reproduced using same hardware in that time, most of these freezes stopped happening with update of unity engine at start of 2023
  7. Chocho-bis

    DEV ANSWER Recipe - Wicker basket and More

    There was no easy fix for it without breaking older compositions and player data. With introduction of tech tree player is no longer able to obtain bamboo-type of recipe of wicker bed and wicker basket (is now only build from sticks).
  8. This was indeed misleading, tall sakura seed will be replaced for sakura seed in 2.4.
  9. Oriental bundle was fixed in 2.1, also since 2.2 there is a tech tree which should send you where this recipe can be obtained.
  10. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Ship spawned under map

    Fe fixed it in 1.10, but there were still some corner cases, should be fine since 2.3
  11. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED backward weapon

    Issue was fixed in 2.1
  12. Error in serializing ships, should be fixed since 1.11.
  13. We fixed it in 1.10 but it break again due to problem in our exporting system which was breaking other encounters without our knowledge mostly shortly before release. Therefore it remained in-game until 2.2 even though we fixed it every previous update. Should be fine now and hopefully forever.
  14. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Editor - Saving Composition

    blueprint list was reworked in 1.10 and 1.11, should be better now.
  15. issue was fixed in 1.10
  16. Issue was fixed in 2.1
  17. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Trees and rocks float in midair

    These issues were caused by problems in serialization of our map generator (terrain from newer version affected older maps). This happened few times and all older maps (1.6 and newer) should be fixed (unless player modify terrain when bug was present and then there is nothing we could do). Should not ever happen in future.
  18. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED A bug on mystery island (yes again)

    Issue with mystery ylands was fixed with error incompatibility with older version which was fixed back in 1.9, another cause could happen in certain corner-cases when game crashed and save was not present which should be also fixed since 1.10.
  19. Issue was fixed in 1.10, it was caused by some miscalculation between version which created 0 items inside workstation.
  20. With script explorer it should be much better to move around nowadays.
  21. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Merchants can be robbed

    Should be fixed since 2.0, any deconstructed item from encounter will just disappear.
  22. Ship is moving on waves, to synchronize colliders huge dynamic object properly + player collider would take so much performance it is not worth it (especially in multiplayer) so it will never be done. We implemented feature which automatically anchor ship when owner is not present so it cannot be abused by another player.
  23. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Annoying noise

    Ship sound should be fine since 1.11, refinery should be tweaked since 2.1
  24. This was fixed in 2.1, we needed to interpolate camera and several other things (like animals and NPCs) which were never optimized for higher framerate before, should be fine for some time now.
  25. Chocho-bis

    DEV ANSWER Blueprint loading issue

    This will always be in-game to some extent, blueprint is loading at 0 0 0 position, the only difference now is that some part of it is preloaded when you are starting the game making it much faster then it was before.