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Miguel Preguisa

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Everything posted by Miguel Preguisa

  1. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #22

    No! I will have no time to try it out next whole week... But on the other hand, I will be skiing, which is nice
  2. No problem for me now. Red unlocked lock icon is now safely locked green icon
  3. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #22

    Looking forward to the new 1st camera. And my guess is... more Editor functions?
  4. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Furnace bugged

    Glad to help you.
  5. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Furnace bugged

    Did you fed it with some Sticks or Wooden Pieces?
  6. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #21

    I meant that big for a man to stand and push it through. Around two meters high and four meters long.
  7. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #21

    Well I will gladly wait two more weeks for it. But I'm little disappointed that the "T" on front of the drill isn't a handle for player who is slowly digging through some massive hill.
  8. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #21

    Can we expect the update in next week? :) And how big is that drill? O_o
  9. Miguel Preguisa

    My second contibution to crazy ships

    Glad you like it. Nice 100 reputation points by the way!
  10. You can also try to get rid of it just with adding Dirt and then removing it with Spade, Shovel or Pick. Downside of this is that its slower and more annoying (when you leave every time some piece of floating dirt) but you cant mess up anything like you can with the Terraformer.
  11. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #20

    Really great news!
  12. You do not need any special command to do that. You can destroy Terraformer as you would any other item: 1) Left click on the Terraformer in your inventory and you should see this window. Then just click on the button BREAK to break it. 2) But there is one more thing. You now have 5 Ylandium Dust from the broken Terraformer. Last thing you have to do is click five times on DESTROY to destroy all the remaining Ylandium Dust. BIG WARNING HERE: Be careful with Terraformer! It can change the terrain drastically which leads to bigger problems than floating dirt. I suggest to try out the Terraformer first in some Create scenario.
  13. It will not solve the bug but this could help. Make your pile layout of single iron ores and use just a few of them. Then you can throw out of your inventory remaining ores. They will automatically stack on the existing ones. This way you will have nice looking pile of iron but there's going to be just a few of them physically. So no more annoying deaths because of too many items in one place. I hope you did understood my post.
  14. Same with Google Chrome both on my android and computer. But it appears just sometimes. More often on mobile.
  15. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Inventory bug

    If you drag and drop an item off your inventory when holding left and right mosue button it will get stuck under inventory. Then that inventory slot is blocked and you cant equip that item or move it away. Blocked slots apply to all tabs in inventory at once. Restarting the game works everytime but nothing else does. I experience this a lot both in Explore scenario and Create scenario.
  16. Miguel Preguisa

    Sneak Peek #18

    They are looking great! Reminds me of Barghests from the first Witcher game. I hope there will be some another at least this cool things to find under the surface. I dont want to get in fight with this for nothing.
  17. Miguel Preguisa

    Glass roof

    You can make glass in one of the workstations. I believe it's called Glass Forming Stand. There you can transform sand into glass. EDIT: You can always rotate it off grid (default key is V) and place it like a roof.
  18. Miguel Preguisa

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year to every Ylander here!
  19. Miguel Preguisa

    0.20: Playful Presents (20/12/2016)

    I love this Googly Eyes! (from my twitter: link to the post)
  20. Miguel Preguisa

    0.20: Playful Presents (20/12/2016)

    This update is full of items I can't wait to try out (what even is Santa's armor? ). But the next one... caves and (maybe) end of shaking kamera when I'm trying to place something. That sounds really awesome!
  21. Miguel Preguisa

    UNDER REVIEW Free camera problem

    When you enter free camera mode you stand up from chair, bed or vehicle. Because of that you cant really play with camera position because you cant use free camera to capture yourself while sitting. Small thing but screenshots could look even beter. For example my recreation of one popular movie scene.
  22. Miguel Preguisa

    UNDER REVIEW Free camera problem

    Oh thanks. I have really a ton of ideas wandering around my mind. But Ylands and games like that are only place friendly to them.
  23. Miguel Preguisa

    Question about editor mode

    That are super news! And to the Editor there are still two things for me. I didn't found better way to check particicle effects then launching that scenario. But loading the world a then closing it and going back to the Editor is really slow. Plus it would maybe be nice to have openable doors in chracter mode in Editor.
  24. Miguel Preguisa


    You are without the doubt the best builder I know in Ylands! (I am not counting devs, that tropic yland was really pretty ) Keep up this good work!
  25. Miguel Preguisa

    My floating ship

    You wanted to see our crazy ships, so here you have my contribution to this.