In terms of accessibility what I miss is the lack of contrast on this inventory screen, the excessive brightness (we spent a lot of time on that screen, and it's too white and bright) It is also extremely difficult to read the items. If the fonte could be more bold would be great!
Maybe taking the luster around the inventory would be far more feasible to see what is happening around us.
We could have keys to move the tabs on this screen, keys like Q / E or LB / RB...
I liked the new features. Unfortunately the new visuals (the inventory screen / craft etc) is in a state where I personally can't see anything. There isn't much contrast. This way I'm just not able to play. I also found it too bright.
BigBoss87 replied to Aleš Ulm's topic in Dev Diaries
Can't wait for the new world
I'm happy with the new features that you're implementing in the game. The game will gain new life with everything you have talked about with us being made. Will be so fun!
While there is no borderless mode, you can use a little software. The game (s) needs to be in window mode to work.
Shift + F12 to change.
Well done guys! I loved the new songs. Unfortunately I was having a heart attack while fighting: I bought almost all the armor.
Thanks for the hard work!
Hi guys!
I would like to know how to find a password for a chest.l I found a site with a chest blocked by written password. Would this password be in a book somewhere on the map? Thank you
The simplest way I've found to add something new to an existing game is to edit that same game in the editor and add new content (if you can't access that new content) I've bothered about this before, but the game is very flexible in this matter.