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Nikki Severin

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Everything posted by Nikki Severin

  1. Nikki Severin

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-33850] About Trigger Zone

    Hey! Thanks for letting us know about this! We're already testing this to see what we can do to fix it!
  2. Nikki Severin

    Share game problem

    Hey! I sent you guys a PM, hope we can sort this out!
  3. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #197 Following Feedback

    Hey there, fellow Ylanders! Tomorrow is what we call a "Datalock". That's the day when all the Ylands features planned for 1.8 should be ready and we will mostly focus on testing, which will result in releasing the Experimental game branch and later on, the full-fledged release. It‘s only fitting that we reveal a bit more about what to expect from this update, which in terms of the sheer number of fixes, improvements and new features seems to be the biggest ever by far. Most of what you will experience is the direct result of your feedback. We‘ve already mentioned some so let‘s add some more! We want ships to play a larger role in your exploration endeavors. Up until now you could have (and many of you do have) super cozy ship rooms where you spend your seafaring days. But what good is it to have such a place when it rains inside? Many of you felt (and rightly so) that this totally broke the immersion. However, this was not a trivial thing to fix. Fortunately, one of our programmers has found a way and boom... no more rain inside your shippy home! And if you like ships and sailing, you will LOVE update 1.9 - but that‘s a story for another time And secondly - you complained about torches you hold not lighting caves properly. That‘s fixed as well. And for 1.9, we are also working on a fix for how lights work underwater. What are some more things you reported and we work on fixing? Improved visibility of game hints. Fixes to Radial Menu. Additional Workstation fixes. Tons of Editor fixes and quality of life improvements. We hope you are hyped about 1.8 as much as we are :). That‘s it for today and we‘ll talk to you in a week. Until then - stay classy and healthy, Ylanders!
  4. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #196 Client Scripting

    First half of November
  5. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #196 Client Scripting

    Hey there, Ylanders! Fall weather is settling in here in Prague and while we are excited about all the pretty colors of the trees around us, hot tea and fluffy sweaters, we are even more excited about bringing you news about the 1.8 update! Exploration is getting a ton of love this update, but we are keeping lots of it to give to our wonderful creators too! As a creator, have you ever wondered why your multiplayer game is sometimes a little bit laggy? The thing is that all the scripting within the game needs to be crunched by the server first and then synchronized with all the players, so that no cheater can break your game. However, we have put our heads together and came up with a new feature - Client Scripting! What does that mean? For selected Game Logics, it is possible to create locally executed script, which does not have to be synchronized with the server so it runs much faster. This is especially useful for creating a nice and reactive User Interface. You can now even create client-run 2D games within UI and it will not ruin your performance. However, as with everything, there are a few things to keep in mind while using this feature. First of all, not all Game Logics are suitable for this kind of scripting. And second, there are also certain limitations to the script itself, which is not as extensive as the server script and has a limited set of instructions. We hope you will find Client Scripting useful and can't wait for your feedback! That's it for this week and we'll be in touch with more news about 1.8 soon! Stay classy, Ylanders!
  6. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Ylands ingame Name

    I'm not sure we will be able to get it for you if it's "in use" I will check with the team but I think the safest bet is to either try and access that account or make a new one with a similar nickname.
  7. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Account problem

    You should have the Exploration DLC and everything related to the purchase in your account
  8. Nikki Severin

    Share game problem

    Hey! Where did you contact me? I don't have an email from you in my inbox or my spam folder In any case, can you guys please make a video of the process so taht we can have a look? I would also need the log files - output_log file and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data Please send them to me in a message here, to make sure that it gets to me thank you and sorry for the trouble!
  9. Nikki Severin

    BI account linking should be disabled until fixed.

    Should be all done, your new account should have the Exploration pack now
  10. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Ylands ingame Name

    Hi! You should be able to change your nickname in game unless you've used all your changes (maximum of two per account). Let me know if you managed to make the change
  11. This is indeed a bug and we are working on a fix! Thanks everyone!!
  12. Nikki Severin

    BI account linking should be disabled until fixed.

    Hey! Please let me know what your previous and current nicknames were and we will fix it for you! Sorry about that, we fixed this issue now so it won't be happening anymore!
  13. It is a bug indeed. We're gonna work on it and should have a fix read yin the next update! Thank you for pointing it out!
  14. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Account problem

    So we see that your "Ruborio" account indeed had the DLC and now it doesn't seem to be connected to Steam ID. Are you using a different account now that we could give the DLC and coyns back to?
  15. That's very strange indeed. Let us have a look at this issue.
  16. Hey there, Ylanders! While polishing and reworks are in full motion and 1.8 is coming along very nicely, we want to show off another new feature! Speaking of showing off, we want you to be able to show off too, which is why we are bringing Achievements! Achievements are a form of in-game milestones, which you can obtain by completing certain tasks. It can be a matter of exploration, crafting, fighting or anything else really. These Achievements will only be a part of Exploration and we hope that PC players will be happy to hear that these will be connected to Steam so you can earn in-game and Steam Achievements at the same time! To keep things interesting, there will be two kinds of Achievements in terms of how much information you get about the tasks you need to perform. One type will tell you what you'll need to do to receive this particular Achievement, while allowing you to track progress on that Achievement. And to not ruin the surprise, several Achievements will be hidden until you've completed them! And to make showing off your Achievements easy, you will find Titles alongside some of them! Titles will be displayed next to your nickname in messages, menus and of course, in the game! There will be plenty of them to choose from, even though not all Achievements will come with a Title. That's it for this week, everyone! Stay classy, Ylanders!
  17. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Account problem

    Hi there! Please let me know your nickname in the game and we will get it back for you. So sorry this happened!
  18. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED my friends list is gone 

    Hey! This should now be fixed! Let me know if you're still having issues!
  19. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #192 Working the Stations

    Hi there, fellow Ylanders! With the Competition already announced it‘s time to get back to talking about some of the improvements you can expect with update 1.8. We‘ve already said in the past that in this update we are putting a lot of effort into implementing things that you asked us to add, fix or improve. We had a lot of streams where we discussed various ideas you came up and now it‘s time to show that we value the time you spent with us. Let me now mention two more things you can expect in 1.8. You complained about confusing workstations and the fact that you have to switch between tabs (or they switch confusingly on their own) while using these workstations. This has been fixed and while we were at it, we made the workstation crafting more intuitive and responsive. Oh, and before you ask - yes, you will be able to craft things in stacks, so it would be possible to craft many more of them at once! Another issue that many players complained about are items that are available in the Editor but can‘t be crafted in Exploration. Well, while we can‘t make everything craftable right away, I think you will find some interesting items that you will be able to craft from 1.8 onwards. That‘s all for now and as always - stay healthy and classy!
  20. We'll definitely keep this in mind! Blueprints do need a rework!
  21. Nikki Severin

    Exploration Points?

    Hey! We can definitely have a look at exploration point use, will keep you posted! ? Thank you for the suggestion!
  22. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #191 Competition Details

    Hey there, Ylanders! The Creators Competition: Season 2 has officially begun! In last week's dev diary we talked about some general information about the competition but now that it's underway let's get into the details you absolutely shouldn't miss! Before you start Before you start creating your competition entry, make sure that you go over the rules to make sure you're eligible to take part in the contest. You can find the rules riiiiiiiiight here. Go through the Creator Guidelines, which describe the technical requirements and limitations that your Mystery Yland must meet. Once you decide you want to take part, don't forget to create a post on our competition forum section (some examples are already there!) While you're creating Update the forum post you created with screenshots, images, sketches, ideas and anything else you can think of so that others can see your progress and comment on it! Contact us for support and with any questions you might have Go see what others are working on! When you're done Make sure to read the Submission Guide so that you don't miss anything! Enjoy the fact that you successfully submitted your very own Mystery Yland! Wait for the winner announcement! During the whole competition, we will be helping you out and answering your questions, so don't hesitate to let us know when you need anything! Please allow for a possible extended time while answering these and other requests for the next three weeks, while Nikki, our community manager is on vacation. That's it for this week and stay creative and stay classy, Ylanders!
  23. Nikki Severin

    Crafting Tree: Confusion

    Hey! I will ask about this
  24. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED steam player needs help

    Hey! Thanks, I already reached out to him through steam
  25. Hey there, Ylanders! It's finally here! It's happening! Are you excited? Season 2 of the Creators Competition is finally about to start! We know you've been waiting for this and we are bringing you all the info you need regarding the second installment in the Creators Competition series. This time, the competition will be asking you to create Mystery Ylands. Let your creativity on the loose and hit us with a Mystery Yland we've not seen before and we'll reward you for it. So let's get to all the information! What do you need to do? Create an original Mystery Yland! When does the competition start and end? We're kicking off on September 1, when all the rules and information will become available. The competition will run for about 2 months, with the submission period ending after 6 weeks on October 17. The submission period will be followed by other activities such as social media competition. What can you win? $$$ prizes! We have over 7.000 USD worth of cash prizes! But apart from that, every Mystery Yland that will meet the quality standards, which will be published at the beginning of the competition, will get to become an actual Mystery Yland in Exploration! 1st place - 3.000 USD 2nd place - 2.000 USD 3rd place - 1.000 USD 4th place - 700 USD 5th place - 500 USD Who will be judging the creations? A panel of developers. We will have representatives from several different parts of the dev team. What are the judging criteria? We will specify the criteria in the rules which are going to be published on September 1st. But most importantly we will be looking for creativity and originality. Let us know what your questions are in the comments and we will make sure to answer them when the competition kicks off next week! Well, that's that for this week, Ylanders. We sincerely hope you are as excited about this as we are, because every day, we see your wonderful creations and we just cannot wait to see what you'll be able to create this time around. Stay classy and stay creative, Ylanders!