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Everything posted by kimbuck

  1. kimbuck

    General Weirdness ..

    Had the sails "up down and whatever" thing happen again... could be another ship in the area interfering with their operation? Couldn't get logs as (surprise ha!) the game hung at log out ...and screenshot and stuff were not saved as ylands crashed ..after a 5 minutes hiatus at the wheelie screen
  2. kimbuck

    0.14: Playful Platform (05/09/2019)

    I discovered a minor issue ..some blueprinted buildings do no align correctly vertically on grid .. I will take a screen shot to show you later ( only just woken up )
  3. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18598] Loading trouble

    got 0.14 update o.14 arrived yay! and manage to log into the old game. Unfortunately as i was locked out and pb inactive, griefer / thieves plundered my base ... thats why we need in-game admin controls. Will report back when new map/game is activated. so far ....so good ? ?
  4. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18598] Loading trouble

    Wouldn't it rot your socks! The game was taken to editor , my ship removed and also a lot of the unnecessary items in inventory and an attempt to restart was made I got in... but was respawned back at spawn with nothing... just the broken Pb etc. The map was edited again to remove my old Pb and keys so i could restart and rebuild. Again i got back ..yay ! light at the end of the tunnel..or an approaching locomotive? probably the latter I manage to re activate a new Pb ./..and start re crafting tools etc hopefully to get cloth for clothing and such Gamplay was intermittent again... stop start ..and others noticed it. Was crafting a weaving loom and the game went haywire... crafting menu and inventory ..blank Then game froze .... no warning no logout ...just dumped out back to windows screen with steam two attempts at getting back in ... back to the original issue ...get as far as building oceans.... wheel of misfortune staggers ... sound drops out and after 4 minutes ..time out well what can i say? the server admin has had enough and threatens to wipe the game from the servers... and i don't blame her. Shes put a lot in and tried her hardest ... but its useless when the wheels keep falling off. this game is currently NOT in a marketable position, and i frankly couldn't recommend it in its current state The only reason why i am sticking with it was because i bought it...and had hope. hope is fading ..i might have to write it off as a financial loss.. Logs attached for what they are worth Am i angry? Nope ..furious...and frustrated, especially when i see friends who used to enjoy the game leaving and not coming back ..and those who do for a second look .. leave again and never come back Meanwhile i am going to do something interesting ...like staring at a seismograph site and being entertained by the wiggles ... its not as frustrating as i feel now with Ylands. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18598] Loading trouble

    BBcakes / bojo managed to get the game map into editor and remove my ship and some items from my inventory and tried a fix ..i got in so its sometime to do with either clothing or the ship??? anyway i got in to NA1 but respawned with nothing but a new PB .. no keys etc so my base would not recognize me So the game is offline now while they work out what to do next.
  6. fyi ..i went into the eu server of P1 gaming .. n issues ..built a basic ship 4 masts etc ... worked well and encountered no issues . There was intermittent lag bursts ...and the hum from the PB was choppy..\ 2 players on that server...and some big bases . no issues really of importance
  7. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18598] Loading trouble

    I did a complete computer maint. run... cleaned out cookies, disk check ran crap cleaner, malwarebytes bitdefender optimizer etc ... then tried again to get into P! NA1 - same issue. Then tried to log into the P! EU server.... no problems! So its not my computer/ system / internet..
  8. There is another server P1EU run by BBcakes ...on a bi server i have no issues there. This latest thing happens as soon as i move a created ship. And on relogging it hangs after recalling buildings.... loading ocaeans ..
  9. Guess what? I went to log into the latest game on NA1 ..it 98%vanilla... and ....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr The same issues as with the previous map that went bottom up. The game loaded to recalling buildings 100% and i got that thump and the humm from the PB..and then a short message "building oceans" ....... and then the wheel of misfortune ground almost to a halt .... two segments ..freeze then 3 segments ...freeze..... one segment...freeze rinse and repeat .. then "time out" After the third attempt at starting form the very beginning, i tossed my hands in the air and gave up. No logs or screenshots ..... as i couldn't get in far enough to grab any And only 1 day in the game ... (sigh) off to paint my nails ... and look for lint in my navel.... i say no more?
  10. Today was like another charlie chaplin movie .. screen freezes and re starts I got my ship built and tried sailing... whenever it was near land it was uncontrollable .. the screen kept freezing and when release i was either heading to shore or out to sea... then ship went into a series of slide show images showing either no ship, just the wake , bits of the ship ..or a part assembled ship ..or just me with my bottom skimming the waves. Then Ylands did a perfect impression of a dead goldfish .... belly up! Was locked on the log out screen for 5 minutes as the wheel of misfortune slowly turned. I managed to log back in to find myself on the ship full sail towards the end of the world ... did a 180 turn and eventually mad it back to my island... but as soon as i could see the shore, screen once again went into freezing fits. Managed to coax it towards dock on half sail then hit reverse .. screen froze .. got the sailing back noise and when scree became active i was halfway up the beach .. but going backwards... fortunately into deep water. Given up for a while ... just toooooooooooo frustrating. Logs and one screenshot attached output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  11. kimbuck

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 4

    another ylands feature .. stealth ships! ( this happened today) Least the sharks couldn't find me
  12. kimbuck

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 4

    Introducing the Ylands famous anti gravity balancing horses, who's ability to breed on near vertical cliff faces is outstanding!?
  13. kimbuck

    How do you pronounce it?

    we hope that one day its pronounced " success" ..ok so its a bad pun.... but i try :0
  14. @ Zarwil .. Noted and hugs to all After 20 attempts of all types to get into the game patience was at a premium. Regarding pirated games ... Ylands doesn't need them, and i am very much anti -piracy as i have seen it kill many thing, not just computer stuff. so hence my arrogant huff and puff! Visit in game and i will give you a free iron ingot ;0 all yours to cuddle and keep meanwhile we search for answers ...
  15. hahah not pirated i do not stoop that low And if it was pirated then they would have told me 1270 posts ago Does Bi sell pirated copies? as they say in Aust "don't come the raw prawn with me, matey" ..and if it is pirated .. then i want my money back! And thanks for the reply Adam .. also we have Jchobs BBcakes and MyPa55enger from P1 gaming also trying things out to see what's the cause. Do not be surprised if a Red-sea...oops eagle arrives with information etc For the record, i am one of the P1 gamers and provide feedback to help the game. And to someone i will not name, please have enough expertise to identify a pirated game from a legit game before you toss out accusations. I see a big fail there. You need to be able to tell your brass from your oboe", as another musician advised me PS: The P1 Eu server access was attempted and i got in there just as easy as i could the Na1 prior to these issues. (So cut out the pirated accusation rubbish) Note - that this happened after there were major lag issues the previous day, with failed workstations etc . Another player had same issues. I have checked the validity of the yland files ..and they came up ok. We are wondering if there was some issue earlier when all that lag etc hit .. that may have sent the map bonkers. Others can log in but they experience a similar drop of at the "recalling buildings" screen We are currently waiting for others in P1 gaming who are playing the NA1 server who have been away to return and see what they experience.
  16. Beggar for punishment .... Have tried 5 times to get in same result. checked firewall, antivirus, cleaned out surplus files, and viewed task-manager..only things running are steam discord and av/firewall which are ok: No go . What happens is game downloads and unpacks within 30 seconds.. builds terrain then goes to recalling buildings ... gets to 80% the stops ... and slowly drags up to 100% and stops for a minute. The get the oceans message as a quick flash,,and the screen freezes... the wheelie moves in fits and starts for a couple of bits and then stops for about 15 seconds... eventually there's a time out or connection lost message. Same result every time and yes ..... the server has been rest Others have obviously had similar issues but gave up on reporting on logging out the system takes ages .. Other non BI games? ...... no issues! Log files attached for your amusement output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. kimbuck

    Dev Diary #93

    Will the red-eagle statue be seagull poo repellent? ?
  18. Hey ..Pssssst! ......would you like a a new car? ..its not from the original manufacturer, but an excellent copy that we made... unfortunately we could not work out how to copy and add wheels, but.. you can have it to try it ! ?
  19. kimbuck

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 3

    Hunting pirates at night in the S.S Tomato .......
  20. This usually is fixed by exiting and re-logging but that is a waste of time. Whats happening is the avatar seems to freeze ..and despite no moving ..dug items like dirt and rock pile up around you .. there is no sound. Attempt's to remove the spade get a failed message Trying to select anything when stuck , gives a failed message. Meanwhile, rocks and dirt pile up ... Logs attached for you to peruse ... output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  21. kimbuck


    Please please please do not add any more "shiny trinkets" until you can get the game running smoothly and the current problems fixed. The Updates are awesome ...with what they add, but they also add more things to be fixed, at the expense of not fixing things from the previous update. At the moment the game quickly stagnates after a new map is established and the problems become apparent. Not everyone is interested in scripting , or working in the editor, and these areas seem to be being given priority over the base game. Please... look at all the comments by Comr... and several others. There's a lot to be done, and although we are patient, not everyone can stay patient. its getting to the stage that when we hear talk of updates to fix things... we treat it as a joke ! Ylands has great potential .... but it needs to recruit new players and keep existing players to keep it going. As it is, about 3 days after an update , the servers literally become a player wasteland.
  22. When a new update arrives there is a surge of enthusiasm, and the new items and fixes are greatly appreciated and enjoyed. But after three days, bugs appear... either old ones reappear or others that have not been fixed becoming more obvious, or the new "fixes" and inclusions fixing a lot of things, break other things! So after a short period of time, the player runs into something that renders the game unplayable or causes it to stagnate. The new friendships update is a great innovation... the game needed it and it is a game saver, BUT .... Ships are now broken. And there's a swathe of other things disrupting the game that other players have mentioned ..and there has been no acknowledgement or response. So ... now i will twiddle my thumbs ...or look for some other game to play ..... while waiting for a future Ylands "hotfix" or update. When will that be? no one seems to know... But i hope its soon ... the game is fun, and it is getting better, BUT.... ?????
  23. kimbuck

    0.13 bug -- Terrain issue

    we had one some time back where a certain area you ground to a halt.... we put up warning signs for people to avoid passing through it. it was not a large are but was a definite nuisance
  24. kimbuck

    Ylands is broken & something needs to be said

    I like the game, however after starting a game it soon deteriorates with lag and other reported issues that make the game difficult to stay with, The result is eventually you are in the game as a solo player, and new players do not stay with the game. The issue is the MP games / servers ... players are crying out for the restoration of the explore games, but as there are bugs etc which griefers exploit, a lot simply give up What you need to do is address all the MP issues, bring back the explore games ..but clearly labelled as pvp or pve and set them up accordingly, and make it so those with dedicated non pvp servers do not have to re map their games so often Also allowing more players per game ...say 10 ? because often i arrive to find the game full and unable to get in , and others do too, so what happens then is in the less busy hours, no one bothers to join in believing they will not get in. The episode of no feedback and silence to bug reports also made a lot of players drift away Result : new players do not stay. So please , listen to that red seagull ooops eagle .. as crazy as he is, because he makes a lot of sense and there are a lot of P1 gamers backing him, and who will be keen to push a working Ylands game platform to the forefront