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Everything posted by A3_Melle

  1. Just want to say before the holydays start at the BY offyce: Merry Chrystmas and a happy new year Ylands Team and on to a successful 2018 wyth some great adventures on Ylands
  2. A3_Melle

    Spoiler submarine sphere key

    There are some "Hidden keys" laying around on several Ylands(even found 1 at a time in a birdsnest), they can be used for the "Hidden underwater" treasures(if not locked by a password riddle)but also for chest that are laying around, I know there is even a hidden pirate chest you can dig up on 1 of the Ylands The hard to find chests have mostly random things you can't craft that easy the easy to find chest also have random things but those things you usee on a "daily basis" like resources, food, weapons or clothes.
  3. A3_Melle

    Looking all the ways down

    Thanks @Ane
  4. A3_Melle


    Hi, mostly where I find it is on "dessert Ylands", last 1 I got on was filled with 4 big sources.
  5. Hi if you checked the suggestion/feedback section you could have found all your answers and enter the discussion on that thread
  6. A3_Melle

    Looking all the ways down

    Hi @Ane that is in first person, I myself have the same issue, that you don't see you feet is fine but the angle to pick up and aim is a bit to short like 30°-45°.
  7. If there is 1 thing Bohemia Interactive is known for it is the modding community! From early operation flashpoint to ARMA3 (and even DayZ will be getting modding tools next year). Ylands will also be using mods in the near future, in 2018 @Aleš Ulm will be telling more about it in his dev-diary's, this was already told a while ago
  8. A3_Melle

    Looking all the ways down

    Hi @Ane I think he means the angle to look directly down, in real life it would be looking at your feet, the angle is now much shorter missing about 30°/45° in that angle. On discord was the same question today.
  9. A3_Melle

    Beards and Mulitplayer Sleeping

    Don't think sleeping will work on MP unless you can get every player on a bed at the same time, a server command to move the time for server hosts would be a better idea.
  10. A3_Melle

    Capture Objective marker

    I know some ARMA3 players who will buy Ylands directly just for that game mode
  11. A3_Melle

    alredy a user on this account

    Hi did you crash during the MP game? I had the same thing a while ago, I could join other official servers, but not the 1 where my game crashed on.
  12. Maybe @Ane can work her magic vingers send her a PM with your BI registered email account and I am sure she will look in to it for you
  13. A3_Melle

    New plants

    Well rice would be fun but for that you will need water, who knows maybe some new plants like oranges, peaches or pears. With flowers we already got several orchids in many colors to make a nice garden, would love to see tulips or roses
  14. A3_Melle

    New plants

    Most Ylands have different a biome, meaning they have other plants, on a tropical Yland tropical plants and on a dessert you can find desert plants like a cactus or dessert melon, and of course on Iceland their are not many plants to find ;-) If you go exploring and taking back seeds to your "spawn Yland" you can play farmer and use the seeds from other Ylands to plant them: 1 tree/plant/flower/fruit gives 3 seeds, so you can grow a big stack real easy to make good supplies for yourself.
  15. A3_Melle

    Critical death causing bug

    Well that the part of survival: don't swim where "dolphins" roam the waters and at night make a shelter and make sure to keep your eyes and ears open and not keep wondering off in the dark, that is not something you want to do in real life either. Agree with you that from time to time the language used on videos is bad, but that unfortunately is not only on Ylands but on many other games, and even much wurse.
  16. A3_Melle

    respawn beacon?

  17. A3_Melle

    Deleting a world

    Yes you can, don't click on "the map" wenn going to "continue game" and just press delete, it will ask if you are sure if you want to delete the world yes or no. You can scroll trew all your maps bij the cursor right and left if you need to scroll trew a long list of maps.
  18. A3_Melle

    How does the multiplayer survival work?

    I heard the same thing @WijkagentAdrie also that their will not be a steam xmas sale (cc. @Ane to be sure), but maybe xmas sale in the bohemia store?
  19. A3_Melle


    In the editor you can place what you want, you want animals you can place them or not. Their are also "tools" to play with wich you can (eventually craft) where you can create/remove landscapes with, place everything availble in game but also since 2 weeks a paintgun to paint everything in a color you like ?
  20. A3_Melle

    Can't download the game

    I tried it on all my browser(Firefox, chrome, on my phone) and I get to the page directly. The link you posted is https:// could it be that auto correction on you explorer does not make http:// of it? I know that has been a problem for some people trying to reach the ARMA3 forums.
  21. A3_Melle

    test the game before steam

    The trail version is (I think) not the steam release candidate, the (real) early acces people who have been around for the past 2 years and have bought the game before the stopt sales in the BI store now have acces to the steam version as testers, bug hunters and feedback / suggestions givers and so on. You should find the trail version here YLANDS BI PAGE .
  22. A3_Melle

    I can't play Ylands

    You have got the full version (bought a time ago in the BI store)? Or are you trying the trail version? Your login should be your BI registered account. And if you have the full version (pre purchased on the BI store before end of august) you should have had a email with instructions to activate Ylands on steam, as support for the stand alone version would stop.
  23. A3_Melle

    Dev Diary #22

    Well glad i could help out in any way Ylands ROCKS! excitement will be high the next few days for the entire team as it is the next big step for the entire team and seeing how much reactions their already are on the social media channels the last few days (twitter, facebook,youtube, steam, discord and reddit) @Ane will have her hands full the next couple of days as now more and more youtubers are picking up the game and showing some awesome gameplay which attracts a lot of people at the moment Either way: good luck in these last few days before steam release i would say put the champagne in the cooler on time and get a lot of cake ready because the entire team will need it to celebrate the launch! Let's hope that the social media channels will go crazy again just like they did after the E3 presentation
  24. A3_Melle

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    Nice changelog! will this be the "final version" before steam launch @Ane (besides some hotfixes of course, so let's go bug hunting Ylanders). NVM, just reading the dev diary