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Aleš Ulm

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Everything posted by Aleš Ulm

  1. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #43

    Definitely! Our two top priorities are fixing MP issues and general performance (in this order). We already fixed some MP issues (mostly server-side ones), but many are still open (some are being looked into right now).
  2. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #43

    Just as the post says: Currently, while generators can be placed on ships or cars, they can't be enabled - we understand, though, that many want this and are already looking into it.
  3. Hi, we're sorry for the misunderstanding but it's really exactly like the main Ylands Steam page says: ...During Early Access, new players receive 4600 coyns (ca 20 USD) to spend As to what the linking is good for: it makes sure that all your progress, all your characters, skins, pets, everything you bought - but also any games or compositions you make and upload to Workshop - you will be able to continue using even if, in future, you play ylands on non-Steam platform. With us planning to keep developing ylands for many years to come and having plans on moving over to other platforms as well, we consider linking to BI account a good idea - but we understand if you don't feel the same way. If you are sure that you want us to unlink your account, it can be done, but please note, that in that case following will happen: * you will lose access to anything you might have uploaded to Workshop * while your saved games will stay intact, after you get unlinked you will enter them as a new character - your original character will be present in those games (you can get you items back by killing them in Exploration) * all your potential purchases will be reset and your balance will return to 4600 coyns * your current forum identity will become obsolete and you will be required to recreate it the next time you try to enter the forum If you want us to proceed, please contact us through PM to confirm this procedure. If you have any questions about any of these steps, we will gladly answer them here. We will be creating a sticky post about this so that even others who are considering this know what to expect.
  4. @WijkagentAdrie This might possibly have something to do with the new character controller/animation introduced in 0.6 - we'll look into this today and let you know.
  5. Aleš Ulm

    Building/Crafting needs serious work

    Thanks for bringing this up! We're aware of the issues related to hammers being consumed when crafting - actually, we plan to get rid of that completely in update 0.7 (repairing things will become more realistic and intuitive). If there's another update between the incoming 0.6.2 (late next week) and 0.7 this might get fixed there. We are planning to tell you more about our plans for crafting improvements sometime in early January 2018.
  6. Aleš Ulm

    Building/Crafting needs serious work

    Hi, first, let me thank you for your feedback - it's obvious you put a lot of thought into it and even though we, unfortunately, don't have enough time to address this one by one at this moment because we're extremely busy fixing critical issues that appeared after tens of thousands of players started playing the game (which was to be expected - hence the Early Access). That being said, I read what you wrote and there are definitely some very valid and important points. Also, please note that while our roadmap doesn't mention focusing on fixing and improving what doesn't work as it should, in many dev diaries and discussions with players we said that we will always focus more on the fixing. Both building and crafting will receive a lot of love in the upcoming months (e.g. the whole crafting UI will be redone to be more intuitive and user-friendly). Unfortunately, after 12 hours spent playing the game, you are not eligible for refund anymore. Although it is possible under some circumstances (major technical issues or a major change to something that players bought the game with - like moving to Steam for those who bought the game when it was possible to run it outside Steam ) your isn't one of those. We hope that in near future you will find most of your concerns addressed.
  7. @Adrie: sorry, I didn't exactly answer your question - sure! If you have put somewhere a log created in the last three days that contains anything you don't want others to see with others, remove it. Thank you.
  8. Good question. Here's some additional info based on what we found out about this issue: * this bug has been brought into the game as part of hotfix during the day one of public Steam release, when we turned on some additional information logging so that users who were unable to login in could provide us with more info. Unfortunately, there was more information put in the file than necessary. This means that this bug affected only logs created in between Dec 6th and today ( Dec 9th). * also the majority of players should be unaffected and if they find anything in their logs, it will be just name of fields with empty values * on Monday we will check if anyone hasn't sent us such a log and if we find some, we will discard it
  9. The patch has been just released. Thanks again for notifying us!
  10. Hi, thanks for letting us know! Just as you said the file is created by the game itself is primarily for you to check and isn't sent anywhere (when things go wrong we the support might ask you for some information from this file). It definitely shouldn't contain sensitive information though since it's just a plain text file - just things that would help is identify potential issues in the game. Instead of selected entries, all were written into a file. There will be a patch released today that will fix that. It was a bug and we apologize for that.
  11. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #23

    Thanks, Adrie, appreciated! I totally agree with MP being a priority now - we too see way too many broken MP games/features (on the other hand this much feedback will make it easier for us to reproduce it), although not many MP fixes are to be expected in the upcoming 0.6.2, we feel that 0.7 coming early next year needs to have as much as possible fixed. barriers: Just like the non-owners of the barrier shouldn't be able to damage your stuff when inside, the owners, on the other hand, should be able to destroy stuff more easily, so it should be possible for you to rather easily remove a built, hardened wall etc. (at the same time we have plans to let players simply move around large, hardened objects - but that will come later, quite likely even after 0.7). However, I can't promise this (doing more damage to your stuff inside the barrier) will be present in this first iteration of the energy barrier. If it isn't, it will definitely be part of 0.7.
  12. Aleš Ulm

    Dedicated Server FAQ

    Hi guys, just a quick update. We indeed plan to start working on the cmdLine based server in the second half of January. Unfortunately, the DS beta that worked pre-Steam isn't working with the current Steam version (long story short - we need to make sure that you will be able to host and play at the same time with a single steam account/key). We want to implement this in that DS Beta so that you have at least something to play with before the shiny new version arrives. We'll try to make this beta work again as soon as possible (unfortunately, right now we're trying to cope with all the new players and focus on critical bugs that prevent them from playing). Hopefully, soon I will be able to give you, here, in this thread, some estimate. Thank you for your patience!
  13. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #22

    Hey there, fellow ylanders! We’re almost there - in just five days we’ll hit Steam. We’ve worked hard to fix as many bugs as possible, and now we have a version ready that we call "Steam Release Candidate" that we’ve just released to you so that you can test it and let us know if there are any critical issues. If any are found, we’ll do our best to fix them in those few days left. We fixed a lot of critical issues. Some things related to ships in MP - sadly not all, but those remaining stay our highest priority. Also the one about falling through the terrain, and although it’s impossible to say if this fixes all the occurrences of this issue, we made sure that even if it happened, the situation would be handled gracefully, and players won’t lose their items. Many other things got fixed or improved as well - you can find those in this update's changelog. f Winter is coming Ylands Steam release is coming This Dev Diary will be, once again, quite short because of the obvious reasons, but I promise that next week we'll tell you a lot of very interesting information about Q1 2018, so stay tuned! Still, it wouldn’t feel right to post this without giving you at least something concrete. Do you remember how at some point we talked about a special force field that could help you protect your property? Initially, we wanted to have it in 0.7, that will be out in early 2018. We understand, though, that the padlocks don't solve everything, and so we decided to do our best to have at least the first iteration of this feature working in the smaller update that will be released around December 20th (which will contain yet another long list of fixes and improvements). Also note that before the Steam release the non-Steam version will be terminated, so the old version launcher won’t let you play the game anymore. Since this is the last Dev Diary before arriving at Steam, let me just thank you again for your help and support, and we’ll see you on the other side. Until then, have a great time and stay classy!
  14. Aleš Ulm

    respawn beacon?

    Actually, based on players feedback (thanks! :)) we'll be doing some changes to spawning/difficulty settings. We'll announce it either later this month or early January.
  15. Hi, you're right. The hammer shouldn't be consumed at all - it is a bug we're already aware of. Unfortunately, we won't be able to release the fix with along with the Steam release so it will be fixed in a later patch/update. We're sorry about that
  16. Aleš Ulm

    respawn beacon?

    "talk about is the respawn after they die on a other Yland than where they started and need do the entire trip over again" @A3_Melle Yes, we watch those as well Just as I said - we have some future plans where the spawning scheme as it worked until now will make sense and will result in an interesting and fun gameplay but it needs some other features that are not in the game yet. At the same time we want for the players to have more controls over the game settings but it will, as well, come at a later date. We had a discussion about this and as a result, we decided for the time being to let players spawn at the yland where they died because we don't want the new players to get the wrong picture. To be honest I think that under normal circumstances the "punishment" for dying should really be more strict than running 50 meters back to where you died to get everything back because it takes away some of the thrill - but these are not the usual circumstances. Players can still die many times without being really responsible or without any chance of avoiding that - be it because of the bugs or still rather unbalanced combat. Also the navigation has a lot to be desired (although in few days you'll get your hands on a provisional GUI compass when sailing ships ) and because you still don't get to see other ylands in the distance, it can get quite difficult to find your way around. Because all of this it makes sense that we now make it easier for the players. At the same time, we'll still be working on some changes and improvements for future and I hope to share those with you soon. Thanks again for your feedback - it doesn't fall on deaf ears
  17. Aleš Ulm

    respawn beacon?

    Hi, thanks for the feedback (any is appreciated! :)). The truth is that while we are planning on expanding how the spawning works at this moment, in future we would also like to give players options to customize their games (Exploration included) experience much more which I think you will find interesting :).
  18. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #21

    Hey there, fellow ylanders! The “Countless Colors” have been released successfully so let me just quickly update you on what’s going on now and what is going to happen in the next few weeks. With less than two weeks before we hit Steam, we’re fully focused on fixing, tweaking and polishing. We already managed to fix some serious issues found in 0.6 as well as some that have been lurking around for a longer time. The feedback you’ve been providing us with is extremely valuable - we’ve even received lists of most annoying bugs from some of you and those are also taken into consideration as to what should be fixed next. It’s obvious that we won’t be able to fix everything before the Steam, especially since we can’t keep fixing bugs till the very last minute, upload the version to Steam and just hope for the best. The fixing will continue for several more days followed by yet another testing stage where only critical issues will be addressed and then, on Dec 1st we’ll release an update 0.6.1 containing mostly fixes. That for us will be “Steam Release Candidate”. We will be impatiently awaiting your additional feedback - unless some serious, critical issues are encountered, this exact version will be released several days later on Steam. "Countless Colors", the largest update released so far is now out there for everyone to enjoy With the game released on Steam we will also post information about what our plans for the whole Early Access stage (6-8 months) are that way you'll know what to expect in Ylands 1.0. A clear vision, a locked list of features and improvements that will be added to the game during this period will make it easier for us to meet the deadlines and for you to see how we progress and if there’s any delay. We honestly can’t wait to tell you what we have in store for you :). Before the end of the year, you can expect yet another small update (0.6.2) that will contain additional fixes and tweaks - things that won't make it into Steam Release Candidate as well as new ones that will very likely arise after the new players arrive. Let me thank you again for all the feedback and we’ll talk to you next week - until then you have a great time and stay classy!
  19. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #21

    Yes, the "sea legs" issue is annoying - we're already looking into it
  20. Aleš Ulm

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    Sorry about that one! It should already be fixed in the version you're playing - be sure to let us know if you still wouldn't be able to find those recipes.
  21. Aleš Ulm

    Crafting overhaul explained

    There is one important information you mentioned - the new rubber trees are generated only on newly created ylands (= inside a newly created game). We understand that some of you may have put already a lot of effort into their current game worlds so if it is the case we could in the upcoming patch let you get some rubber tree seeds via specific console command. Would you find this helpful?
  22. Aleš Ulm

    Dedicated server for 0.6

    Unfortunatelly there's actually a lot of work to be done for DS to work correctly with 0.6 and Steam and since polishing the critical game bugs is now our top priority, we think it will become available shortly after the game has been released on Steam on Dec 6 and not before (also some time after that we'll start focusing on updating/reworking DS tools).
  23. Aleš Ulm

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    This (any other questions) will be answered in the post I mentioned - it should become available in an hour or two I will let you know in here as soon as it's been posted.
  24. Aleš Ulm

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    Actually, there's one more issue that needs to be addressed asap - we just became aware that formulas for the newly introduced padlocks may not show in the crafting panel. There will be a small hotfix coming out for this shortly.
  25. Aleš Ulm

    0.6: Countless Colors (16/11/2017)

    Let me thank you again for all the feedback (it's more important now than ever before) and give you an update on the current situation * we are currently putting all the reported issues into our system (since it's all done in a single thread we won't be changing its name to show the issue number but if you ever needed to know under which number is a certain thing filed ask Ane and she will tell you) * later today we'll be making a post describing all the changes made to the tech-tree and what it means for you (we'll provide the link in here) * for Dedicated Server Beta to work properly with this Steam version some things need to be addressed first and it's quite likely that the updated version will be available shortly after the game released on Steam and not before that since now we're focusing mostly on bug fixing * absolute priority fixes for us currently are: - Dedicated servers crashing with players unable to log in - Adding ways for players to easily return to servers where they played via MP Lobby - MP games getting unplayable as soon as ships come to play We plan to release a large patch on 29.11. (releasing one sooner would mean a lot of additional time spent on closing it down and putting it to test at the cost of bug fixing) which should contain these fixes (obviously along with dozens of others - it's time the jumping sharks finally started to behave ) - that will basically be a Steam release candidate for us. Please note that in the upcoming days we will be working extremely hard so the communication from other people than Ane may be rather sparse and you may get some answers with some small delay. If you encounter any additional bugs we will very grateful if you report them to us.