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Everything posted by Ane

  1. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    And you currently own Ylands, right? Have you checked your Spam folder? Make sure you're checking the email address associated with your Bohemia Interactive account.
  2. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    In your case your Steam account is already linked to the BI account, so you're good to go, you don't have to do anything else
  3. Ane

    Subscribe to own workshop?

    Saved scenario files are located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your steam id>\298610\remote\Scenarios You should be able to just copy paste those
  4. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    Weren't you running the game on Steam already? If you weren't, nothing happens when you click on the transfer button in the game? In that case please try again and if it fails send us the log (output_log).
  5. We are currently working on a new ambient sound system, this issue will be fixed with it
  6. Ane

    Linking Steam to BI account

    I'm sending you a PM
  7. Ane

    Linking Steam to BI account

    Please launch the game, click on the transfer button to let it fail (not open the browser) and then send us the log (output_log). DXDIAG report and name of the default browser you use on your machine would help too.
  8. Ane

    Linking Steam to BI account

    What username is displayed in the left bottom corner in the game menu?
  9. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    It could be, have you actually tried launching the game from Steam? (I assume you first redeemed the code we sent you on Steam).
  10. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    Sure! It's your key, feel free to use it as you please
  11. If you'd like to get a refund please send an email to sales@bistudio.com and state the reason why you want to refund the game
  12. There is a max size limit, yeah, not sure if that's the problem in this case. Please try zipping the file and attaching it again. Thanks!
  13. This issue should appear fixed in the next update. Thanks for the report, guys!
  14. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    Thanks! The Steam release is getting closer and closer and we're super excited about it! 1) Yes, stating the version they use is definitely a good thing do do! 2) This should be inside a newly created changelog/news panel available in the main menu (right now it's still a bit WiP but it will be fully working sometime next week), plus I'll post the changelogs on the forum as usual. Since we're still in the process of switching to Steam some things are still a bit "unsettled", but everything will settle down again soon 3) That is definitely something we'll be looking into very soon (in general future interactions with friends will be a topic of one of the DD we'll post in the near future).
  15. There was a version on Steam for a short period of time on Tuesday and the day before where the issue manifested for all players. We found out the cause and fixed it. The version that is on Steam since Tuesday evening does not suffer from the issue in the same manner anymore. So logs from Steam version 37772 and above or from the launcher version are of the most interest to us, but all logs are welcome. If any of you is still experiencing this issue, please let me know, we rolled a fix that will allow players to manually toggle an option, that will get rid of the problem at a performance cost. The reason we do not want to toggle the option by default for everyone is that we are unable to reproduce the problem ourselves and the affected players seem to be in minority. We basically need your help to help us find out the cause. We need the logs from the game sessions where you encountered the issue and ideally also DXDIAG of the machine you play on to identify what is causing the issue. We would be super grateful to those that experience it for checking whether it happens every time or just sometimes, DXDIAG, and sending us logs before enabling the toggle.
  16. Ane

    Ylands on Steam

    Dear ylanders, This week we sent the Steam keys to a few players in order to test out the whole migrating to Steam process. Since the testing turned out fine we are now ready to send the rest of the keys. If you currently own Ylands, you can expect to receive an email with your Steam key (for free, of course) at the beginning of next week. In that email you'll find the instructions on how to redeem your code, but I'll post them here too nonetheless. Migration instructions: ----------------------------------- * adding the game to your Steam library is very easy: in your Steam application go to the “Games” menu and select “Activate a product on Steam.” Follow the instructions and enter the provided Steam code when asked. * after this step you should see Ylands among other games in your Library * when you run it for the first time you need to link your existing Bohemia Interactive Account with your Steam account. That is also very easy - in the game enter the Settings panel. There click on “Link Account“ and follow the instructions... and that’s it. FAQ: ------- 1) Why do I have to link my BI Account to the Steam account? When you run the game on Steam it has no idea that you already have an existing account that we use to identify your characters in saved games, that you use to login to the Workshop. By doing this we link the two together and everything will work as expected. 2) Why do I have to do it right away / I didn’t do it and started a new game, what will happen? Whenever you enter any game in the Steam game version before you link the accounts, a new character will be created (even if you already had a character in that game created in the previous version). You will be able to play without restrictions, but later, when you link the accounts, these characters will become unavailable to you (and you will once again be able to control those created in the pre-Steam version). 3) Do I need to link the game? While not strictly necessary we suggest you do so - otherwise you lose access to characters in saved games, access to Workshop creations you uploaded will become complicated (though possible), you will lose some special objects that you might have gotten in the past (like the items received via PAX codes) etc. Thank you and see you on Steam!
  17. Can you guys add logs right after this issue happens, please?
  18. Thanks! I added it to the issue description.
  19. Ane

    compass suggestion

    We also think that a compass is a really needed feature It would work as a sort of an off-hand item, so you will be able to hold a sword and still see the compass somewhere on the screen etc. You can expect this sometime after we get to Steam. Before that we'd like to add the map improvements, that would show the world directions and the display dot where player is/where he's facing.
  20. Ane


    And you can always turn your Singleplayer map into Multiplayer for other people to join (in the in-game settings).
  21. I'm afraid there's no such command available for players.
  22. Alright, thanks for the detailed info! Regarding the "leaks" - did you place the blocks in building mode?