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Posts posted by zarwil

  1. 5 hours ago, Aleš Ulm said:

    we are planning to actively start bringing players into Ylands again

    This game has never really had a marketing push aside from the initial E3 trailer, right? That's what got me interested initially, as I liked the art style. Hopefully you can do something similar again. You certainly can't rely on word-of-mouth for exposure at this point hahah ^^

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  2. This sounds amazing!

    When it comes to the propeller pack, might I suggest making it harder to craft as well? In general I think quite a few of the late-game items and workstations are way too easy to obtain. For exploration/survival games like this, exploring the tech tree gives you natural goals and reasons to keep playing. Conversely, once you've completed the tech tree, the game isn't much fun anymore.

    Edit: Another thing you can explore in the future is to make the islands even more unique in terms of scale, shape and dramatic terrain. The recent update definitely improved this aspect of the game, but after exploring a couple dozen maps, the absolute majority of islands look nearly identical. They're roughly the same size and are either mostly round, or have a horseshoe shape. You've made strides on this front, but you can do even better I think!

    Edit 2: Also, re-introduce sharks and add some new dangers/random events in the oceans! We also want flowing water back!

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  3. In my opinion, the game isn't very challenging at the moment. As soon as you build a propeller pack, you are effectively invincible. I'd suggest you either include ylands with even higher difficulty levels, and/or introduce new biomes which have different themes and are generally more difficult. I'm sure this is already in your plans, but I have some specific ideas:

    I recognize that just upping the damage threshold of enemies isn't the best way of going about things, since that will just result in bullet spunges, but you could introduce unique weaknesses to some enemy types in various biomes which mean you will have a difficult time in that biome until you've managed to craft the items necessary to overcome those enemies. 

    One way you could do this is to introduce different bullet types, where each type is more effective against certain enemies. Instead of introducing new weapons, you just need to make a new type of bullet for specific biomes/enemies.

    One specific theme of biome I'd love to see is a Jurassic Park / Dinosaur themed biome with dense jungles. I think that could allow for some really fun monsters. 

  4. I think it would be amazing if blueprints were actual items in the game which you could trade with each other. I'd love to sell blueprints of ships to other people, and perhaps buy blueprints of structures.

    Give the blueprint "items" zero in-game value such that you cannot generate an infinite amount and trade them with NPC's, and you're pretty much there. 

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  5. @Jstuts @Adam Snellgrove I'm guessing this is happening in relation to ships? I've encountered this countless times and talked about it on the forums several times (even in PM conversations with Adam IIRC), so it's surprising that you haven't experienced this yet. 

    This bug can occur in many different scenarios. One way to replicate it is to place a ship composition somewhere in the editor (ship need to be moderately complex, with many misc items etc... you can use this for testing: https://play.ylands.com/asset/1249), make sure the construction mode is turned off, test the game in the editor, return back into the editor and try to edit the ship. Once you have managed to find the hitbox of the ship component and activate the construction mode again, you will see what Jstuts is talking about. 

    Here's a video showing what happens after you follow the steps above. The ship becomes almost ethereal, hitboxes are impossible to find, can't use move tools.. etc: 

    I should also mention that there is a "workaround"

    First, make sure to always have construction mode turned on at all times when handling ships in the editor. 

    Second, if you end up in the situation above, try to activate construction mode, copy the ship, delete the old one, and paste the copy. Double check that construction mode is on.

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  6. 6 hours ago, ComR said:

    Let us craft better weapons from Zirconium - found items are or superb or useless.

    I really don't agree with this. Non-craftable weapons gives you an incentive to explore and find better gear, meanwhile Zirconium gear is pretty easy to craft. 

    @Adam Snellgrove I'd love it if you added very rare unique weapons/gear with random effects/boosts that we can find. Something like unique weapons and gear in Skyrim! That's a great incentive to go exploring. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Jstuts said:

    @zarwil, I want to thank you for the detailed steps you outlined to make changes in a ship, in editor. I did, in my own way, make the changes I wanted to make in the ship you composed and I love using it now! I cannot honestly claim that I really understand everything you outlined, but I think that is my failing, not yours. I'll probably understand it eventually.

    Happy to hear! 

    It's difficult to describe stuff like this. A huge part of being skilled in the editor is being able to develop various building methods and workflows. They can be quite laborious.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ocnoglittle said:

    Don't you have to have the ship at position (0,0,0) and rotation (0,0,0) to paste like that?

    I should have specified to use paste by right-clicking the ship part and selecting "paste" in the window that pops up. 

    Also, once you paste onto the ship, you have to keep the selection of the items and move them together until they are correctly lined up. 

  9. @spiritchaser28 Looking forward to it ?


    @Jstuts If you want to place items outside of bounds you first have to place them somewhere inside the bounds of the ship, and then move them to their correct position after. 


    In general, it's easier to modify a ship if it is not actually tied to a ship component. To untie a "ship" from it's ship component you need to:

    1. Select the ship part and make sure it's set to construction mode. Place two simple building blocks (I use 2x1x1 wooden beams) exactly next to eachother somewhere on the deck of the ship. Paint one of them red, and the other green. 

    2. Select everything attached to the ship (including the ship part) by moving back a bit and drag-selecting the entire ship. This should mark every individual item. 

    3. Whilst everything is still "selected", move inside the exterior hull and unselect the ship part. Also unselect the one of the painted blocks from step 1. Doesn't matter which. The two painted blocks will be used to re-align everything once you want to reconnect the ship again.

    4. Press CTRL + X, to cut out the selected items from the ship part. 

    5. Paste the copied parts on the ground, then move them up a bit so you can see what you're working with. At this point you can do whatever you like without worrying about the ship part fudging your plans.

    6. When you've done your edits, copy everything once again, but make sure the painted block is the actively selected items, such that everything moves in relation to it. 

    7. Paste everything straight onto the old ship part. Use the editor tools to align the painted blocks. When they are in the exact same position relative to each other as in step 1, the hull will be properly aligned.



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  10. @Jstuts  Ah sorry man I used seeds for some detailing in the bow of a couple of ships. I didn't know they would actually grow in explore hahah, I thought they had to be "planted". If you want to add beds and stuff you could still do it from the editor, like how you placed the ships. If you want to get rid of the growths, maybe remove the seeds as well from the editor. I don't have any plans atm to rework older ships :/

  11. Just now, Adam Snellgrove said:

    Yep, we are going to check it out in the morning. Seems to be happening pretty often. Thanks for the report. Output_logs always welcome ?

    You can find them here: \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

    Here ya go. Mining is pretty much broken at the moment as well. After digging a litte all the ite ms you mine just freeze in the air and can't be interacted with. Once you reload you can pick them up. 


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  12. Just now, Bob Salvador said:

    I think it's to easy to create a boat or a house in the editor compar to creat it by "hand" in the survival mode, and some people can exploit the fact that you can add bloc inside another bloc and create "abomination" like a 3fps boat or a house that is realy hard to create by hand, I think blueprints need to be focus on exploration and compositions for the editor, no cross creation. 

    Ships don't get laggy due to the amount of normal building blocks, they get laggy due to misc items. All the "normal" blocks get welded together and thus are seen as one entity in the game, so even if you have 1000s of blocks it won't lag. Even if this was seen as a problem, the devs can easily put a limit on number of blocks allowed in a composition. 

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  13. @Adam Snellgrove First time posting here in a while... I have a comment regarding blueprints in 1.6. From what I understand we won't be able to change explore maps in the editor anymore, due to the issue of placing stuff like creator cubes in your world. This is a big issue for me since it means you can no longer create blueprints out of intricate creations made in the editor. (The current workaround is to load an explore world in the editor, place a creation, load back explore world and capture creation with camera).

    It's time you added the ability to export blueprints directly from the editor. It's been a frequently requested and sorely missed feature since blueprints were first introduced. You can't cheat with blueprints in the way mentioned above, since blueprints need to be constructed with materials found in the game. Building in explore has always been clumsy, so allowing people to create blueprints directly in the editor gives a reason for the average explore player to use the editor as well.

    I'm glad you're finally starting to improve explore. Allowing people to visit "your island" is a great sustainable reason for people to keep playing, by improving their home to impress visitors. I think you've got something there!

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