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Designated Drinker

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Everything posted by Designated Drinker

  1. Designated Drinker

    Grow "Grass" to eliminate dirt "spots" on map - Beautification!

    well that kinda sucks but i guess if you had it in exploration mode people could ruin the map if it gets in the wrong hands, they could actually make it so when you plant grass and it grows it turns the tile it is on green
  2. Designated Drinker

    Grow "Grass" to eliminate dirt "spots" on map - Beautification!

    wait i thought there was a terraformer gun no?
  3. just posting a few pictures of a map graphical glitch and a possible chisel bug the map one the two tiny ylands it is showing are not there just ocean, pretty sure this is from some other part of the map and it somehow got glitched there chisel possible bug is it takes 5 repair kits to fix it up from used status, where everything else from broken only take 3 or 4 and the 3rd one when switching to hide all the interface if you go into your bag and select an item it comes up on the screen big and you can't move and get stuck
  4. Designated Drinker

    Chisel repair bug?/map graphical glitch

    yea but have you tried to repair a broken chisel? you need like 20 repair kits
  5. Designated Drinker

    Need help with the lights

    i can't count how many games i have played with lights and lightning and them not being very bright, like god damn make the lighting brighter
  6. Designated Drinker

    What is your favourite survival food ?

    baked potato is super easy, seems to last a long time, allthough i feel like the hunger on some foods needs tweaking my guy can eat 500 bananas, and bananas in real life are very filling so it makes no sense how many you need to eat
  7. Designated Drinker

    CANT REPRODUCE [YLD-8103] Disappearing stuff on ship

    do you think it is because you used bamboo, it seems like it, either that or your ship might of rocked and messed up the space continuum.
  8. Designated Drinker

    Content Theft

    unfortunately, i don't think there is a lot you can do about that legally anyway, since you are not protected by any copyright, doing a written guide for public viewing anyway.
  9. Designated Drinker

    Suggestion: Improved World Ore Generation

    i think the copper on this one yland i have found is enough for 20 people i am only guessing at 10k copper i will mine every drop and not use any to see the real number, what they could also do is have random items you find some old ylandium objects like broken lanterns that you could break down for dust, and make sure every item you can break down for some of the items resources back, to kinda recycle or a recycle workstation that you put objects in you no longer wont for some resources back, broken swords ect give resources, maybe there should be ylandium broken items in the generation also for dust, little things like this would make a difference, added with tiny veins of ylandium ore/crystal deposits that are not in a cave but just deep and random under ground. so when you actually strike ylandium ore/crystals you are like hell yea, instead of the oh there is some copper/iron/clay cool but i have tons.
  10. Designated Drinker

    Suggestion: Improved World Ore Generation

    finding a balance is key, need to keep them,rare/hard to find, i guess the game needs ylandium ore possible at a very low depth in the earth and very tiny veins, i would like to see the other veins in this game reduced by 50% in size, i mean i found some copper i dug it all out and i had over 1,000 copper from one vain, so now i don't need to find another one, even with more players this yland i found has like 10 copper veins and they are massive has to be well over 10,000 copper on this single yland, seems way to much
  11. Designated Drinker

    [Suggestion] Build inside the ships (make ships hollow)

    it's nice but i think most people actually want a hull and don't like the vanilla flooring so they put down beams, i kinda want just the base of the ship and some half circles to build my own hull, not sure if this style game we can have half circles though, if we could i am sure they would of put them in?
  12. Designated Drinker

    White bricks not so white?

    i spent a long time building this, but then i noticed the white bricks well they aint all white, so i went to the editor to turn them white, and they are already white, possible to paint them? what can i do?
  13. Designated Drinker

    show map in editor

    save locations to quickly zoom to them is also needed, finding a certain location in the editor with max size is near impossible, so for now i use spawn locations as markers and i name them cave 1 ect ,once you are done with the map editor you can sinply remove the spawn locations
  14. Designated Drinker


    add me on steam as alcapoan, not opening my game up yet until i find the items needed to have locks and combination locks, but i can help you out
  15. Designated Drinker

    Suggestion: Improved World Ore Generation

    so about the mutated animals if you leave two alive wont they have babys, you could kinda farm them right? maybe set up some kinda trap/box them in to breed and harvest? and yea i agree i would like to see surface ore a lot less probably 50% less, maybe that is for a hardcore mode?
  16. Designated Drinker

    Editable game

    they could just make a hardcore mode for exploration which has less items.resources and more mobs,harsher weather,lesss seeds from food.trees
  17. Designated Drinker

    Editable game

    a good idea however it would take you hours and hours to even find and remove stuff from the other ylands, finding them in editor is the biggest pain, so if you have 8 - 15 ylands to find ha lol
  18. Designated Drinker

    Editable game

    they could just have it so you can only edit the start yland, i don't know how much you have played with the editor, but open your exploration game in editor and try find another yland on it, not a easy thing to do, and if you want to public your game, never wise to build a base on the start yland because you will get robbed.
  19. Designated Drinker

    [Suggestion] Build inside the ships (make ships hollow)

    you can also move the anchor leaver where you like in editor mode, and put blocks into each other to fix the problem of say no 1,2 or 3 square blocks that some items don't have like logs only come in 4 squares, with the editor you can move them into each other easy, is why i was saying i wish we had the editors build mode in play mode, of course needing the items to build the stuff in play mode, but the view and the things the editor building can do is far better than play mode, which adds to the question why would you go through the nightmare of building a big structure or ship in playmode, when you can do it so much easier with free camera angles ect in editor mode. also i must say it is hard to build symmetry with a 3 squared door, please give us 4 squared doors, and the ability to cut down logs,beams into 1 square 2 square and 3 square.logs/beams with the saw workstation, workbench?
  20. Designated Drinker

    Hang boat from ship?

    you can just build a boat at sea having the needed materials on you,, once you are done with it just whack it till it breaks.
  21. Designated Drinker

    Editable game

    so i am with you kinda but lets say some random guy joins your game, he spawns in the same place everyone starts at he is a troll so he digs a massive hole on the spawn and box's it in with stone/ect, you could then once you realize simply go to editor delete the blocks and fill the hole in, currently there is no safe/build free spawn areas on the game, there is many reasons you might want to use the editor other than cheating.
  22. Designated Drinker

    Random seed five max size ylands?

    so i picked a seed at random and selected five max sized ylands but it seems to me that it is just one giant map? i have sailed all over and can't find anymore ylands, is it possible to view my seeds full map to see what is going on? if there is five then they are so close they look like one to me (there are a few tiny ylands off the main giant one, but hell i can swim to them and they are tiny), if the case is they are so close would be nice to have an option to spread them out far from each other, with the addition of having each yland a different biome so we can build everything in the game,if we go far out and explore other ylands(making you need to go out and explore), at this point it seems the five ylands generator just gives us one giant yland with 4 tiny ones instead of kinda sharing the land between the 5 with abit more distance between them unless i am missing something?
  23. Designated Drinker

    Random seed five max size ylands?

    the reason i think controlling where people spawn is important is because what is to stop say people spawning in and digging a massive hole right on the spawn, that is my fear, i know most people don't do stuff like that but it only takes one guy, so triple metal flooring is what i do, as changing the hp on items does not seem to work in the editor?
  24. Designated Drinker

    Random seed five max size ylands?

    yes i used the editor to generate a map but when doing so i did not get to pick which mode i wanted, if i do a explore mode i cant pick the number of ylands,size and add in spawn points ect, so i like the creation modes options control how many ylands and the size, but i like explore modes biome diversity,distance between ylands , and random caves, i can live without the caves in creation mode as i could create my own, but why not add biome diversity to create mode, or a tool to create a new biome, i tried to add snow on an island i made on creation mode and polar bears but the biome i picked for the entire map was arid so it wasn't cold on that yland.
  25. Designated Drinker

    My time in a new land

    i don't like to cheat so what i do is gather resources for a ship write down what i have then i exit the game and build the ship in the editor, the editor building is so much easier, i kinda think it might be the camera view in game that is the issue, tall structures are very hard also, so you kinda need to build a temp ladder system on the side while building to get a better view of what you are doing (then delete the ladder system in the editor).