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Everything posted by Berzeger

  1. Berzeger

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Launcher should download about 600 MB of data, so if we assume 300 kB/s speed, it should be downloaded in a little bit over half an hour. Does it take significantly longer?
  2. Berzeger

    RESOLVED I can't Play Ylands

    Hi, it seems like the connection between you and our CDN is very slow. I'm afraid we can't advise anything else than keep trying. What is your usual connection speed?
  3. Berzeger

    RESOLVED crash on startup

    Glad to hear you got it working! Please let us know if you still have any issues.
  4. Berzeger

    RESOLVED crash on startup

    Hi, sorry for the inconvenience! Does it happen all the time for you?
  5. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Dedicated Server Issues

    Hi, sorry for the issues you've been having with our dedicated servers! We've managed to pinpoint the issue and it should be fixed in the next update.
  6. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Stuck on Downloading new launcher.

    Hi, are you still connecting from Russia? The CDN we've been using has some problems with some Russian locations. If you, however, let it wait for a bit, it should automatically fallback to our own servers and download the game from there. How long does it hang at 0 % for you?
  7. Hi, can you describe precisely what you run and when? Also could you send us your logs from both Server Monitor and Ylands (both can be found in your Ylands installation dir - ServerMonitor_Data\output_log.txt and Ylands_Data\output_log.txt)? That'd help us a lot. Thanks!
  8. Hi, sorry for the troubles! So, you played the previous version just fine and it stopped working after this update?
  9. Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. We managed to pinpoint the issue and it should be resolved in the upcoming update.
  10. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Stuck on Downloading new launcher.

    Hi, I'm sorry for the troubles you're having. If the download moves, that means it is downloading, although very slowly. What internet connection do you use? Can you please run e.g. this test http://www.speedtest.net/ and tell us the results? If it turns out your connection is fine, then the problem is probably lying somewhere between your place and our servers, which we'd then investigate further. Thanks!
  11. Berzeger

    0.22: Fabulous Funfair (08/03/2017)

    Hi, if you have them, it would be nice. Thanks!
  12. Berzeger

    0.22: Fabulous Funfair (08/03/2017)

    Hi, you don't have to create that folder, it gets created automatically. Can you please send us your logs? You'll find them in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\YlandsLauncher\YlandsLauncher.log and YlandsLauncher-previous.log. Thanks!
  13. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Crashing on loading/starting world

    Hi, do you have up-to-date graphics drivers? Could you please send us your dxdiag?
  14. No stress, we'll still be here when you're ready. :))
  15. Hi, thanks for the DxDiag. Unfortunately, you are very far from our minimal hardware requirements, there is no way you'll be able to run the game on that laptop.
  16. Hi, sorry for your troubles! From what I see in the log, it looks like there is a problem with OpenGL on your side. Do you have up-to-date graphics card drivers? Could you please either send us your dxdiag or tell us your PC specs?
  17. Berzeger

    Sneak Peek #18

    Haha, I didn't think of this reference. When our artists first showed us these puppies and cubs, it reminded me of Tiberium fiends.
  18. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Cant play online

    Hi, this issue should be fixed in the following update. Thanks for your patience!
  19. We made some substantial changes to how the Launcher handles its download and update process - all related issues should be fixed in the following update. Thanks for your patience.
  20. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Shortcut not created

    Thanks for the report - it should be fixed in the following update.
  21. Hello everyone! We're seeing an issue with our game launcher that makes it fail for a fraction of users with an error saying "Deleting directory 'C:/Program Files/Ylands/Launcher/../tmp' failed." After some investigation, we believe this issue might be connected to Avast antivirus. If you experience this problem, try to disable your antivirus before launching the launcher. More advanced users might want to just add C:\Program Files\Ylands (or whichever path you installed the game to) to the exclusion list. We'll look into this issue ASAP in the meantime. Thanks for understanding.
  22. We managed to find the root cause of the issue and it should be fixed in the following update.
  23. Thanks for the report, I managed to reproduce it and it should be fixed in the following update.
  24. Don't worry about that, stuff happens, right? :)) I hope you enjoy the game!
  25. Hi, what email address do you use to log in in the launcher? We see that you bought the game on your clear.net.nz email, but you use your gmail one to log in. This means you have two BI accounts, but you use the one, that doesn't have the game bought, to log in.