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About See_Sharp

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  1. See_Sharp

    Doing a big Ylands party tonight!

    Oh wait there is also singleplayer and inactive players. Boi i already get tired when counting to 10
  2. See_Sharp

    Doing a big Ylands party tonight!

    http://steamcharts.com/app/298610 500 online ? Where did you find the 60 online players ?
  3. See_Sharp

    Dev Diary #26

    Great to see how much attention the ylands coworkers give for those playing the game !
  4. See_Sharp

    How do i get Ylander badge ?

    Thanks i got the badge now but without being connected ?
  5. See_Sharp

    Dying from Starvation while offline

    Log off while you're in the field of an active protective barrier generator. That does not solve the problem if you move from island to island. .
  6. See_Sharp

    Working on my first cabin :)

    I see you got the pet rock ! I could not do it better myself, would like to make something like that once (currently got 2 small, ugly houses) Also need to made a cool ship once.
  7. See_Sharp

    How do i get Ylander badge ?

    Sorry for reacting late. a steamID STEAM_0:0:11101 a steamID3 [U:1:22202] a steamID3 without brackets U:1:22202 a steamID64 76561197960287930 a full URL http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960287930
  8. See_Sharp

    How do i get Ylander badge ?

    I just figured where to connect my steam but it tells me its already connected to another account. Thing is, i dont know what account that is, i dont remember registering this as my second account or linking my steam to another account. My steam name is jackieee98 if that helps.. perhaps i can be "delinked" so i can link it to this account ? Halp
  9. So how do do it get the badge under my name, are there any other requirements then just owning the game ?
  10. See_Sharp

    Server info api

    Any progress on the api ? As soon as there is anything available i would like to get started on a new project
  11. See_Sharp

    Online player list

    I would be real nice to see how many players are on your server and what their names are (online players list), even if it would be just a command.
  12. Neat boat dude ! All i got so far are 2 ugly unfinished houses
  13. Perhaps you could rar/zip it ? those are allowed.
  14. See_Sharp

    Shipwreck Island 2: In Works

    Looks good, perhaps you could think of some possible uses for the npc's, mods that will be here in version 1.0 (not sure when the mods will be here though) ? I will follow to see your progress, always nice to see people being creative
  15. See_Sharp

    Admin Commands

    I have a feeling more commands will be included in the DS command line which they will work on second half january: