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Baz Foobar

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Everything posted by Baz Foobar

  1. Baz Foobar

    Terraformer Question

    As we all know, digging into the sand under water causes the water to get all wonky. I've found that dropping blocks of water (via the Terraformer) onto the area clears the issue up and everything settles down nicely. After loading the map into the editor, it became apparent that the blocks of water were still in the air above the area I was attempting to fix, so it seems that when you place material down with the terraformer, the game retains that original...
  2. Glad to see you guys are still at it! Not so glad to see that asshats are still asshats and server maps still become unstable over time... I had hoped that problem would have been addressed by now. I'll have to log in one of these days and pay a visit!
  3. I noticed with 0.8, the editor's ability to display plants/trees is no longer working correctly. It doesn't seem to toggle until you move out of the current visible section you're in? Animals may also be the same way.
  4. Baz Foobar

    doctor cheater

    Probably best to have the admin of the server add him to the ban list. I don't think BI takes disciplinary actions on dedicated servers run by players (private or public). Now BI-hosted servers on the other hand, that's a different story. Has anyone seen this guy causing trouble on any of those?
  5. Baz Foobar

    sign panel

    You can re-write it from the Editor, but not in-game. If it's in your barrier, you should be able to deconstruct it and just start over though, if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Baz Foobar

    Nitrado Server Cuestion

    I recommend you read up on how to get dedicated servers up and running on the Dedicated Server Feedback forum (ask Ane for access if you don't already have it). In a nutshell, there's a configuration file called DsConfig.json that has a SessionData parameter that needs to be changed from Creative to Explore.
  7. Baz Foobar

    MP How?

    I think the P1 Gaming servers are hosted on Nitrado - if that's the case, they appear to be up and running. @RedEagle_MGN keep me honest here - you guys still on Nitrado?
  8. Baz Foobar

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    For those of us who run Dedicated Servers, the headless monitor functionality is missing. Not a show stopper but this prevents us from gracefully shutting down and sending system-wide broadcasts, among other administrative functions readily available from the console.
  9. Griefing will always happen in multiuser environments even with agreed upon terms. My server had two signs you couldn’t ignore at spawn and a message spammed server wide every 5 minutes. We still had asshats and it was only controlled by actively monitoring the game and backups to see who’s doing nefarious things, banning the Bohemia ID and then sharing that ID with the other admins I trusted to reciprocate on similar terms. In open sandbox...
  10. I believe I said this elsewhere, but there's really no point in trying to do anything other than Bohemia providing functionality that prevents players from harming others on servers configured by their admins as PVE. Anything else relies on people to abide, and we all know how well that works. The good news is that this is supposed to be in the next update 0.9 - and hopefully that's coming out next week.
  11. Baz Foobar

    Sneak Peek #50

    Official servers are wiped with each update. Private dedicated servers get wiped at the discretion of their administrators. That said, new functionality may only be available on a newly generated map, so even though a dedicated private server is upgraded to the latest patch, new functionality may only be available if that server starts a new map. Some things that went through this are the new hair styles, for example. As a matter of sustainability, most...
  12. Baz Foobar

    RESOLVED Server gone with latest update

    Interesting. It looks like the DS .9 update pushed out, but the client is still at the old .8 release, so the dedicated servers that updated today won't be visible or reachable from the current clients out there. @Ane was this intended or did the DS push out too soon?
  13. Baz Foobar

    Making a new exploration map-type.

    Unfortunately, you can't have the second type with no PVP until Bohemia implements that restriction to be enforced out of the box. Once you implement the custom roles with no death penalty (to dissuade PVPers (although as stlnegril9 points out, griefers will be griefers), you're forced to go with one biome, no natural caves, and no barriers... Red, I applaud you for trying to come up with some interim options, but I think the best path is really to wait until...
  14. Baz Foobar

    Playing the game fairly

    'sup bro?
  15. Baz Foobar

    Dev Diary #37

    I feel that you guys have been doing well at keeping things simple, whether intentional or not. That design philosophy will serve you well, in my opinion.
  16. Baz Foobar

    RESOLVED Memory leak

    Hey guys, do you see any recurring errors in the Ylands Server Logs? An empty server (no players doing stuff all day long) usually stays steady as far as memory usage is concerned in my experience. Some things to check - do you have animals overpopulating? Not just on islands, but underneath them as well? I've found that regularly culling the wild life above and below ground helps to reduce lag. See if you have any vehicles stuck on things - docks...
  17. Baz Foobar

    Dev Diary #35

    Public servers hosted by Bohemia wipe with every update.
  18. Baz Foobar

    Calling a Spade a Spade

    Generally, a shovel has more of a defined "scoop" to it so you can use it to move loose material from one place to another (snow, gravel, sand, etc). These can be pointed, rectangular, square, you name it - so long as it has the raised sides or scoop to keep the material in it. A spade has a sharp flat edge normally to assist in breaking ground and digging. To that end, you may both be correct.
  19. Baz Foobar

    Share your beautiful pictures!

    They're usually on the polar desert biomes - it appears to be a tanker ship.
  20. Baz Foobar

    Ylands Building Competition II

    I hope you creative folks are working on adding to the great submissions Spyler and TinyMonkey have provided so far! Once again, I am impressed by both of these talented individuals and I hope there are more to come!
  21. Baz Foobar

    How did the barrier worked?

    Also barriers can become disassociated with the owner (it's a bug).
  22. Baz Foobar

    ship hull improvements an easy fix/addition?

    Goes without saying - many of us have reported that already. We're not saying do this instead of fixing the existing problems. The whole game needs fixing before enhancing any functionality, to be honest.
  23. Baz Foobar

    Preserving Explore Mode

    Once the game leaves Early Access.
  24. Baz Foobar

    Sneak Peek #50

    Played what? This isn’t available yet on the current release.
  25. Baz Foobar

    Game please Explain??? Death for NO REASON

    In my experience, your character got stuck in some physical situation that the game engine couldn’t resolve.