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Everything posted by Energritz_

  1. Energritz_

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    If it was on the DS that i run, lemme know where you fell and ill have a look next time with the editor.
  2. Energritz_

    Dezoom for map

    Good, Ive just screenshoted my progress before logging off, stitching up the maps as i go to make a big map, i stopped this awhile ago, as i now have a map in my head, since i used to travel alot for resources, it burns into your head eventually This is on a Dedi server to btw.
  3. Energritz_

    Select servers with players

    Funny though, our 4G/LTE networks are some of the best in the world, probably because of the expensive and crappy data plans nothing can be saturated.. for the last month i have been using 4G/LTE as my connection for a trial, I get 50/20 D/U compared to my home internet which is just 8/1 ... I think ill be switching to 4G shortly, Plans are getting better and i have found something that works. For such a great fun game, the development progress is sadly too slow.. go check the change log forums to get an idea..
  4. Energritz_

    Dezoom for map

    1+2+3 : They need to fix the map first to save your discovered areas, before any of this is usefull.
  5. Energritz_

    Doing a big Ylands party tonight!

    Just 12? well i guess it's something...
  6. Energritz_

    Select servers with players

    It's true i like to play with players as well, but how this are progressing development wise, having this now its probably a bit too soon, there is alot of issues with Dedi and MP in general. Probably why you don't see full servers or mostly empty ones, the game has been in development since 2015 its not 2018.. don't any kind of miracles any time soon... things progress here super freaking slowly..
  7. Energritz_

    RESOLVED [YLD-8858] Multiplayer Bug

    No need to reset, rebooting the server is what you want, unless you want to start from scratch again..
  8. Energritz_

    Sneak Peek #47

    Hopefully they work on both DS and client side by side, so neither misses out or gets left behind..
  9. Energritz_

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    Ah ship building, yeah that's another can of worms, i tried and failed, so ill wait for 0.7 for now.
  10. Energritz_

    RESOLVED [YLD-8858] Multiplayer Bug

    Hmm interesting find, I also use the propeller pack but have not encountered that "floating hopping" bug. The "Duplicate" issue is looking more like the server has goes into a "stalled state" the same could be said for the "floating bug" Is this a Dedi Server or a MP session?
  11. Energritz_

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    Ships aren't very stable, especially when in motion. I cannot remember how many times I've fell off my ship simple because server derps. This is quite a common issue, the general gist is, once on the move don't move unless need to or stop ship do what you need to and then continue on.
  12. Ice Ylands are the most brutal, inhabitable areas of the game, probably more wise to teleport to a nearby more forgiving Yland to be honest.
  13. Energritz_

    Server Files

    Guess the DS I run isn't good enough.. oh well, good luck with things.
  14. Shameless Advertisement? tsk tsk tsk.
  15. Energritz_

    RESOLVED Map eaten

    Mmm charcoal flavour
  16. His AMD card is considered old now days being a 2012 card.
  17. wait this was on MP? never seen before, interesting
  18. Energritz_

    Will it lag?

    4GB will not take long to reach, as this game loves ram, so probably after awhile from playing. The AMD Radeon HD 5670 is dated, being a 2012 card.. if everything is on low you might get stable 30 fps
  19. Energritz_

    The Start of the Middle Age Castle and village.

    Nice, looking forward to the progress of this.
  20. Looking into those files, everything seems fine from the games point of view, Have you updated the Video drivers to the latest? also try validating the game in the steam library. I would either put it down to corrupt game install or drivers.
  21. Energritz_

    Will it lag?

    laptop or desktop?
  22. Energritz_

    Non verbal chat im MP

    Hearing others scream keep you on you're toes.. Also that FPS... ouch
  23. Energritz_

    When do we get new avatars to buy with Coyns?

    KFC! finger licking good! might need more budging for the secret spices and herbs though
  24. Energritz_

    Non verbal chat im MP

    Needs a global chat...
  25. Energritz_


    Fruit tress will respawn fruit at intervals, plants like cotton, flax, etc will not once picked unless planted after breaking down. When you start a new there is also "young" tress generated that are growing, once these mature that's it, unless they are cut then replanted.