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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. Indomitus

    One Key, Many Doors/Chests

    Even with the ability to load your key ring with a few dozen keys, there is a very practical use for being able to associate a key with more than one item. When I build a base online, I tend to put up temporary walls and doors to secure parts of it at a time, as it comes together. Problem is, if I assign a key to a door, then deconstruct that door, I now have a wasted hunk of iron in my key ring. I could "break" it and create a new key, but it would be so much less hassle and less wasted iron to simply reassign the orphaned key to the new door. Especially if all my workstations are deconstructed "in storage" as I tend to do while my base is under construction. To simplify the feature request, it would be this: If you have a lockable item that does not have a lock code assigned to it yet, applying a key would assign it that key's code, regardless of how many other items also share that code.
  2. I've seen this as well. It's frustrating.
  3. Indomitus

    New Ylands GUI

    I agree with this. In Creative mode with the Creator Cube, you can mark favorites items, and even groups of items. It makes it very easy to find them and use them again. The basic crafting interface needs groups and favorites. I would also like to see the ability to search by ingredients (like searching for any recipes that use Ylandium Dust).
  4. Indomitus

    Question to the boat-crafters

    The way water currently behaves, I don't think building materials are really "waterproof". I tried building a small glass box off the side of one of my ships a couple months ago to test exactly that. I was in Creative mode, and assembled the entire ship in the air before dropping it. As soon as it hit the water, the glass box filled up. I had a glass-bottom pool. The water simulation at the moment doesn't do real displacement. I'm not sure if there are any plans to change the way water behaves in some future update. It would be really nice to be able to create glass-bottom ships, or even just small extended areas over the sides.
  5. Indomitus

    This guy...

    Just calling something a "joke" does not automatically excuse it. Even a funny and perfectly valid joke can still be inappropriate for the forum. The fact that the person went on a downvoting rampage in retaliation reveals a lot about the character of the person.
  6. Indomitus

    One Key, Many Doors/Chests

    In the Editor, this is easy to do. In SP or MP, it is not. It would be nice to be able to match a single key to multiple items in regular play, like having a single key to unlock every chest in your base.
  7. Just wanted a place to list small things in the game that aren't really big enough to need to upload logs or drive full investigations by the devs, but that can get a little annoying or might not be intended. Online PB deconstruct exploits? I've noticed that the "deconstruct" ability inside a PB has created a few really minor exploits. First, if you light a campfire and let it burn out, you can still deconstruct it and get the stick back, not burned. Second, if you want bamboo without growing it, you can use sticks to make wicker baskets, then deconstruct them. It will give you bamboo every time. There's nothing game-breaking there, just odd side-effects of the feature. There are probably others as well, that I haven't found yet. (Not related: If you deconstruct something but don't have enough inventory space, the extra materials just vanish from existence. Can we have the extras fall on the floor or something please?) Stones spawn under feet when digging I am a tunneler. Most of my bases are caverns that I dig out myself, so I spend a lot of time with my pick, or drill if I can get it, and I end up with a lot of stone chunks. I've worked out how to aim at the voxels to get a nice straight wall every time. But often, while digging, stone chunks and other things will spawn right under my feet, pushing my Ylander up into the low ceiling, and wrecking my aim. It's a little jarring, especially in First Person view, which I'm usually in when I'm digging. to be continued / open for others to add
  8. Indomitus

    Very minor notes and tiny irritations

    Just remembered another one: When you activate an item directly from one of the storage containers (like seeds from the seed box) the count will not go down as you use them. It does not do this if you move them out to the main inventory before activating them. They do get used up, but the count stays static until you enter your inventory and select something else. (When it gets to the end, it simply says "FAILED")
  9. Indomitus

    Architect mode

    If you read through the some of the Dev Diaries, you'll see they have "blueprints" planned for some time in the future. It's not quite what you're asking for here, but it would allow you to design a building (maybe in Creative Mode or Editor) then turn it into a blueprint that you can place down and feed materials into it to auto-build the design.
  10. I just experienced a somewhat more catastrophic version of kimbuck's "cloak of invisibility" while in Online MP. This was on Explore NA 33, just a short time ago this evening. I was the only player active on the server at the time. What happened: I was visiting the spawn island to leave surprises for other players (I had buried a chest with valuables on another island, and made some maps of it for them to find it.) As I was returning to my ship, an entire section of the island went invisible (or didn't render in). This section had lots of trees and plants, someone's home base, and of course, my ship just off the shore. The items still had collision (I know, I ran into the other player's barbed wire fence), but just did not appear. My ship, that huge ugly wood and stone monstrosity, was invisible. I'm far enough along to have my propeller pack, so I flew around a bit until I spotted the anchor, and the two locks on the helm and anchor lever. I landed on the top deck (it's a big ship; I call it my "barge"). I still could not see any of it, so I thought maybe if I log off and reconnect, it could help. As soon as I reconnected, it KILLED me. (It said I died from falling.) Luckily, I was just a short distance up the shore from the spawn point, so it was an easy run to get back. When I got there, I was greeted with this sight: (she's the fastest floating brick you'll ever see) Since I died on the ship, the gravestone was on the ship. But it was below the water for some reason, so it dragged the front end of my ship down with it. I unlocked the controls and tried to sail it backward or forward to dislodge it, but that did not work. It also killed me again, since the helm was completely underwater. Then I remembered that only 1 grave stone will stay at a time, so I stored my valuables in the chests and traveled back to the spawn point. I dropped my keys and propeller pack on the ground (both were needed to get back on the upright barge since I removed the ladders) and went for a "little swim". With both of the grave stones gone, the ship popped back above the water, and I was able to sail away. (At about 8 fps. On a side note, I think NA 33 is nearly unplayable, which is sad because I really like the base I built there.) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. Indomitus

    Sneak Peek #51

    Dude. Secure your account. It doesn't take much to outsmart a hacker. My Steam ID is Indomitus1973. Bring it, hackers. (If your fear were true, the Steam forums would be the worst possible place to post anything. Spoiler: It's not.)
  12. Indomitus

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    Selfie with my flying shark buddy
  13. Yesterday, in who-knows-where I saw a ship that was not there It was not there again today I got on it and sailed away Similar issue with items not rendering in when moving quickly across a map. This time it was only the hull of my ship. It happened twice, but I only got the logs for the first. Specifically this time, I was flying back to my ship (propeller pack), and everything rendered in except the hull. It stayed this way until I logged out and back in, no matter what I did. It sailed fine, other than the frame rate, but it was invisible the whole time. The second time it happened, I flew back away from it, far enough to load a few sections of map in the other direction. When I came back it loaded right. (I think the invisible ships/buildings issue and the death on ships issues are not directly connected. The death on ships probably is more connected with the poor online sync the ships have in general. I'm sure you guys are way ahead of me on that, though.) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Indomitus

    Sneak Peek #51

    I would be fine with the screen name defaulting to Steam ID, maybe allow changing from there. At the moment I'm using my real first name (Eric) but there are lots of Erics in the world.
  15. Indomitus

    Sneak Peek #51

    One question about plans for the NPCs: If we're building in Editor, will we (some day) be able to give NPC characters simple dialog trees? The existing NPC traders have a selection of things to say under different conditions, but an actual dialog tree would be different. I guess what I'm really asking is how sophisticated are you planning to make their A.I.?
  16. Indomitus

    Abandoning NA 15 ..moving on..

    NA 22 is in need of some TLC, if anybody's game. It's still largely untouched, but some griefer dug a pit right at spawn. I only made it out because I know how to spam jump to climb walls. I built a "floor" over the pit, and less than an hour later I ran into a violent griefer. Unlucky for him, I already had iron armor and weapons. He kept respawning and kept dying at the hands of me and another player who was there. (He might have knocked out the floor since I left.) I'm already setting up base on another island, but I'd be happy to come back with some resources like sisal if anyone's interested. (Not using my PB; that's already in use.) I'll be there on and off through the weekend; I do have RL errands to do.
  17. I would like to see more levels to ship speed for ships with multiple masts or engines. As it is now, we have 2 speeds, and both are affected by the number of masts or engines. This can get a little out of control for those of us who like to build them with 6 or more. We can get from on yland to the other really fast, but slow maneuvering becomes a problem. Instead, could we get speed levels, essentially 2 per mast on the ship. Like this: A ship with 1 large mast would have 2 speeds: 0.5x and 1x A ship with 2 large masts would have 4: 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, and 2x (press "W" 4 times to get to full speed, and press "S" 4 times to get back to stop.) 3 large masts would have 6 different speeds between 0.5x and 3x. A ship with 1 large and 1 small would also have 4, but different values because the smaller mast doesn't add as much speed. And so on, up to the maximum speed a ship can reach.
  18. The way I understand, you'd like a variation where instead of 3 or 4 desert ylands, there would be 1 larger desert land mass, and similar possibilities for other biomes. I kind of like the idea, depending on how it's implemented. Larger lands would increase the need for a good horse or car. And I would extend the idea by suggesting if we had much larger ylands, they could be mixed biomes. (Sensible mixes, not desert and arctic.) Given the way hot/cold areas are managed in the game right now, I don't think it would be very difficult. One downside is that larger ylands means more objects clustered together in the game, which is one of the issues affecting performance right now. Maybe it could be more possible after some improvements. I would like to see lava added to the game. Active exploding volcanoes might be hard to do, but lava lakes and such could be fun.
  19. Except that in real life, lights don't use more energy if they're on during the day than they do at night. It's the same amount of power at any time of day. Making a distinction is unrealistic and unnecessary. In the game, lanterns stay on constantly, crystals give off light constantly, and a flashlight never requires any recharge. Then there's the unbelievable cost of building a charging station (30 Ylandium plus a power source) that would basically make them not worth it if we had to constantly recharge them. This is not a hardcore survival game. There's no point in making things difficult purely for the sake of making them difficult. A simple on/off switch is enough.
  20. Indomitus

    Playing the game fairly

    The creator of this mess on NA 48 is either a griefer or an idiot. (It goes on and on and on through the entire mountain.) I started cleaning up a little of it, stacking and storing some of it (no points for guessing what kind of storage I used) but after 2 "days" of that I got bored. Really can't wait for the update that enables self-cleaning items.
  21. Are there any plans to allow assigning or volunteering to help moderate and maintain the public servers? This is just a thought that occurred to me when I was playing on Explore NA 7 yesterday. That one is starting to have very serious performance issues, and while exploring the spawn island, I found out that some player had started digging straight down from one of the caves. These were sheer vertical holes going so far down I thought I was going to find the bottom limit of the map. And all along the entire length of it were probably thousands of stone chunks, rocks, piles of dirt, sand (and, surprise, a grave at the very bottom; I survived because I have my propeller pack). It's the kind of digging project one can only do with the powered drill. I started picking up what I could carry and closing off lower parts of the tunnel with stone panels. I'll be returning there at some point to see if I can clean it up some more, but someone with admin access and knowledge of how to use the Editor would really help in a situation like this. Or if not the editor, allow one person or team to have Creator Cube access, so they can use the annihilator and terraformer to clean up messes. Or maybe create an "Admin Cube" that allows for easy clean-up and restoring of the map without requiring that it go completely offline. (An Admin Cube might include additional features like leaving/receiving direct messages for offline players, viewing who created what objects, teleporting to locations or people, and some other options for managing and dealing with players.)
  22. Indomitus

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    Logged into one of my various online MP games and was greeted with this very photogenic shot of my Ylander waiting patiently for me to return...
  23. I've logged out while on my boat before with no issues. Of course, one thing that's different there is, I would lie down on a bed or sit on a chair or stool first. This time I was just standing on the deck. That might make a difference. If I remember, I'll test it out some when I get home tonight. I just started on NA 48 and haven't built much yet except my ship, so if something goes really wrong I won't lose much. I'll try it with and without the chair or bed/sleeping pad, see if that helps any at all. And of course I'll save my logs. (I can say there will also be another issue in there as well, since my anchor and helm locks cause my ship to buck like a bronco sometimes when I attach them.)
  24. I've seen in Creative Mode where if I place an item directly from the Cube, then pick it up into my inventory before the timer runs out, it doesn't always let me place it again. I can add more to the stack and it would let me place those, but then stop again when it reached that last unit. Even dropping it and picking it back up didn't seem to help. I usually end up having to drop it on the ground and use the annihilator on it. It has been a little while since I've seen that issue, though (probably just because I've been mostly in MP lately) and I've never seen anything like it in Explore or Online.
  25. Indomitus

    Protection barrier transportability.

    Or when you pick it up, it becomes "broken" again, requiring more and more rare materials or parts to fix each time.