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Everything posted by TheSparkPlug

  1. Please take a look at ApexReaper’s latest video on YouTube... it’s now happening to him, and all caught on camera He built a boat near a rock ledge. Bit by bit the boat moved towards the ledge. It ended up touching the ledge, and then stuck on top of it. His anchor was down the whole time (and he didn’t even have sails/engines at the time).
  2. It’s the large white ship in the save game I posted above. The other ship and boat do not have the same issue.
  3. Yep. if I place my ship on the north side of a dock (doesn’t matter which way it is facing) then each time it loads in it will be a little bit more further away from the dock. It seems to move about one blocks worth each time. if I put it on the south side of a dock it will actually end up on the dock! the “loading in” can be either starting the game or even mid-game - say, by going to the other side of the island and back again.
  4. Ane I know this might have got buried in the thread, but I am curious as to whether you have any suggestions regarding this?
  5. TheSparkPlug

    Things You Didn't Know

    ... if you plant sisal agave in batches of 27 plants, each harvest will give enough leaves to fill 3 spinning wheels - which will produce enough yarn to fill one loom.
  6. TheSparkPlug

    Can't feed stove/Smelting kiln anymore fuel

    It’s a wiki... feel free to update it
  7. TheSparkPlug

    Things You Didn't Know

    If you “dismantle” a crate inside your protection barrier you get an inventory container that can carry 6 of any type of item. if you carry more than one crate you run the risk of losing items should the crates stack (for example, when collecting your items after dying). You can prevent this by changing the colour of each crate you carry. You can use tools/weapons without having to remove them from the crate by right-clicking the tool into the interactive slot of your hotbar. (Be careful if doing this as tools used this way will disappear if they break!)
  8. As a possible enhancement, the ability to name ships and cars - then, as per post above, the option to “go to” anything named?
  9. TheSparkPlug

    Things You Didn't Know

    When creating a new explore game, the “digging caves” stage reveals how many islands in your world, as the percentage steps are based on: 100/#islands. (i know you can see this in the editor, but this is useful for those who don’t use the editor)
  10. TheSparkPlug

    Funny pictures while playing

    That’s not a paintbrush in his pocket!
  11. TheSparkPlug

    Suggest Ability To Flatten Water In Editor

    Basically, in explore mode water flows more naturally. Random droplets - or dips in the surface of the water - can be caused by invisible dots of sand (those tiny diamond shaped bits that sometimes get left behind when digging). The best way I have found to make them reappear, so they can be removed (again, in explore mode) is to build up to the droplet/dip with building blocks (ie logs, bricks, etc - not dirt/sand) then use the shovel against the side of the block you just placed to flatten. The sand should reappear. Remove it with a pick, not a spade. It may take more than one try. Hope that helps!
  12. TheSparkPlug

    More uses for resin, sticks, etc

    I farm logs from Banana trees - 2 logs (and fruit) from each... and no resin, sticks, wooden pieces or even stumps to deal with! Also, a strength potion steams through a good 60 of them before running out. If you don't pick the fruit you will get seeds also. I use the gravel to terraform rocky areas - its a little darker but a much better option than dirt or sand.
  13. Here's my save game. As I mentioned, my only real issue is the drop in FPS since returning from island #5... making me worried to find/explore the remaining islands! Also, any reason why my large ship should move one/two blocks north every time it unloads/loads? It doesn't matter which way it is facing and I don't think it is wind/tide related as it doesn't happen to the older ship or the small boat. It moves each time I restart the game or if I even just visit the opposite side of the island! I can often find it sitting ON the dock! CC_THREE.zip
  14. TheSparkPlug

    Horses eat magical blossom?

    Two of the six magical bushes on my island never seem to have blossom on them. Yesterday I noticed that one of them did. However, as I went to pick it, a nearby horse boldly walked up to it and appeared to eat. The blossom disappeared! Is that really a thing?
  15. I’m in a similar position to you... about 400 hours in the game. Prior to 0.7 i had a world - fully explored, lots of builds and no issues at all. i started a new single player game when 0.7 came out, visited 4 islands (including spawn) and settled on the second island I found. I even imported my ship and a few builds. I had no issues at all. Yesterday I visited island #5 and when I returned home the lag was so bad it took me nearly 15 minutes just to dock my ship! i relogged and the game was better, but it was only running at 20-25 FPS - prior to exploring that one island I was getting 50-60. i don’t seem to have your Issues with exiting or starting a game but I suspect that’s just a matter of time. In all honesty, if playing prior versions was a option, I am fairly sure I would forgo the NPC/trading and revert to a 0.6 world.
  16. TheSparkPlug

    Suggest Ability To Flatten Water In Editor

    You could give yourself the terraformer and do it in explore mode. I seem to have much more success that way.
  17. TheSparkPlug

    What if I don't want to sleep at night?

    Then it sounds like single player is the best option for you - nothing ruins the “lost on an island” immersion like bumping into half a dozen other people
  18. I understand the decision to require 5 magic dust. However, why increase the plants to 30. That does nothing to limit the potions availability or to balance the game. It just makes us have to waste game time by harvesting and replanting six times as many plants. NOW; to my amazement, when sing a potion with the kiln I was very disappointed to see that the potion no longer insta-crafts. Instead, all it does is to reduce the craft time from one minute to 20 seconds. One nerf or the other would have been fine, but BOTH seems very harsh... guess it’s back to ruining builds by having several of each crafting Station
  19. TheSparkPlug

    RESOLVED [YLD-8856] Craftsman Potion

    Hmmm... that could be an issue. As per another post, having recently learned how to create unicorns, I must have killed about 15 but they are just not dropping their horns. Perhaps I should file a bug report.
  20. TheSparkPlug

    RESOLVED [YLD-8856] Craftsman Potion

    That’s awesome news... ... unless that “cost” is 10 magic dust and 20 ylandium
  21. TheSparkPlug

    [SUGGESTION] Lockable Free-Placed Items

    Agreed. In essence, the only aim should be to prevent accidental picking up by right-clicking near the item.
  22. TheSparkPlug

    Shovel to flatten terrain tiles at non horizontal

    With the shovel, it could be as simple as... left-click = flatten right-click = smooth
  23. TheSparkPlug

    [SUGGESTION] Lockable Free-Placed Items

    If that’s not possible, what about a totally new mode... let’s say pressing B. It would work like V except items are solidly placed (preferably with the 2min countdown), and also have an option to use grid - so only difference between it and normal mode is it lets items overlap. so, for example.... press B - enter perma-freeplace mode press B again - snap to grid press B again - exit mode
  24. TheSparkPlug

    Horses eat magical blossom?

    Just make sure you wear your breathing mask while flying it. Ylands - where the seagulls think they are sharks, and the sharks think they are seagulls!
  25. TheSparkPlug

    Horses eat magical blossom?

    He’s been eating grain as well... so I guess he’ll turn into a horse that can craft stuff faster than all the other horses!