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Everything posted by TheSparkPlug

  1. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #31

    Thanks for the tip, but I was more concerned about ‘them’ cluttering this thread with their nonsense (whereas my nonsense is allowed to be here )
  2. TheSparkPlug

    black screen

    Change the resolution (in options) to 0.9, see if that fixes it, then change it back to 1. If you had looked down there (about 6 posts before yours) you would have seen it discussed, and the recommended fix
  3. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #31

    You should put this as a separate topic... so we can refer “those” people to it every time they post (Where’s the ‘evil’ emoticon when you need it!)
  4. TheSparkPlug

    Help with Energy

    Boolean was the correct term One gate which you didn’t want to mention was XOR - it’s a bit like the OR gate, except that only one input can be on - if both inputs are on the output will be off. This is useful for two-way switching... if each switch is fed into the XOR gate, and it’s output sent to a light then either switch can turn the light on/off.
  5. TheSparkPlug

    Q&A video - ask us anything!

    The man devised a game where he is alone and stranded on a desert island... you think he wants company?
  6. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #31

    Well, I can’t speak for everyone but... the mere fact that you updated us, and gave some reasons for the delay, is very much appreciated.
  7. TheSparkPlug

    Help with Energy

    I think the way the splitter works changed with 0.6. It now seems to equally split it’s input - half to each active output, so: Windmill = 20, switch = 19, street lamp = 18, splitter = 17 At that point, if just one thing is connected it will get all 17. However, if 2 things are connected they each get 8.5 - not enough for the charging Station.
  8. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #31

    Tom doesn’t even like Peter.
  9. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #31

    I have to say that I think your “cloud save” solution is very clever. If you guys came up with the concept, then it’s genius! I appreciate that it’s probably too early for questions, but... I have a couple! Using your example above, Tom saves the game to the cloud, so that comes off his allowance. After Peter downloads, plays, and presumably re-uploads, is it still part of Tom’s allowance, or is it now Peters? Also, is there now two versions of the same world on the cloud. If so, how do they know which is the latest? Also, I think you need to give more thought to the idea of a free allowance. You can’t keep that up forever, and when the time comes for you to have to start charging everyone you will become “public enemy number one”. Assuming the process is a seemless/integral part of the game, then you should charge - at least a modest fee - from the outset! I don’t think anyone can classify that kind of service as a micro-transaction.
  10. TheSparkPlug

    No craftmans potion in MP?

    At the moment, it needs to be made from grain.
  11. TheSparkPlug

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-9301] memory leak and huge fps drops

    It may be worth givin it a try without running Razor Cortex - my son had the same issues as you when he tried playing it with Nvidea Shadowplay running.
  12. TheSparkPlug

    how to lower sensitivity?

    If your mouse has a dpi button (usually near the scroll wheel) I find using that the best way.
  13. TheSparkPlug

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-9301] memory leak and huge fps drops

    What is that “(3)” after “Ylands” - are you running 3 instances?
  14. TheSparkPlug

    Things You Didn't Know

    ... in which case, I am filling my cabin full of seagulls!
  15. TheSparkPlug

    Dev Diary #30

    What if you release tomorrow, and we all promise not to report any issues until Monday afternoon?
  16. TheSparkPlug

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    I completely agree. However, in my case, we are talking about half a stack of stones, flint and clay - just for when a recipe requires... oh, and maybe and some stone/marble chunks which I don’t like leaving as litter. I will happily risk all of those for the luxury of not having to clutter my inventory with them.
  17. TheSparkPlug

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    I never said it wasnt a bug... hence asking for them to be added to the whitelist !
  18. TheSparkPlug

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    When I am next playing I will see if I can get a screen shot of the contents of mine. you cannot drag from your inventory to the soil box. Place the items from your inventory into a chest... then from the chest into your soil box
  19. Happy to do that, but it can’t be for a few days (work, kids, etc)... that said, it was happening on my “moving boat” world which you have, if that helps
  20. Something that I noticed (when watching ApexReapear’s latest vid) that we have in common is that both if us seem to have free-placed the helm. Unfortunately I won’t get a chance to play or test this for a few days but could that be the culprit? I will remove the helm and place one normally as soon as I am back in the game, and see if that stops it happening. I will ask him to try that too.
  21. TheSparkPlug

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    “Official”? You can already keep stone, marble, etc in your soil container - they just don’t auto-insert. I would be happy for the soil container to expanded to include stone, marble and maybe even flint, clay.
  22. TheSparkPlug

    How to craft ...

    Isn’t there shackles holding the key on the chest carrying golem?
  23. TheSparkPlug

    Friends Unable To Connect To My Servers.

    Can your friends join other servers? Do they see your server in the server list? If not, you are probably not publishing it properly. If they can see it, how many used/free slots does it show, and what message do they get when trying to join?
  24. TheSparkPlug

    floating objects and message in bottle

    He could pay 250 gold pebbles for the co-ordinates of the large ship he was thrown from.
  25. I know you were concerned about the game throttling your machine, but it was (unofficially) confirmed that it was just that particular save game. Why not see how your PC handles a new world?