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Found 2 results

  1. Bug: When you have food selected and the hint says to left click to eat, if you scroll quickly over to another item on your hotbar then left click before the tooltip disappears you will consume the item. The delay takes far too long to switch to the currently active item in your toolbar... I accidentally lost my map this way, #8 was my food, #9 was my map. went from just eating to wanting to read my map and ate my map.. (Edit: This was in multiplayer)
  2. I don't know if it's the bug. When I build a wall from blocks and then I'm not able to destroy it. (I know that a block can be pick up to 2 minutes.) And ulint founter is undestructible too. I tried it with stone and sandstone block. I used pick and hammer. Can I remove any building? And how? Thanks