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Found 3 results

  1. iamSleepl3ss

    Continuous multiplayer

    Introduction: First of all, I just wanted to say thank you to the Ylands team for the latest update and the QA video. The Meaningful Music update has made exploring much enjoyable and pure. I've missed the function ever since I first heard it in Jak 2. (The music would go normal, but as soon as you'd pick up your weapon it will become more tactical. Come on, my 12 year old brain was floored when I realized it was happening). The source: During the QA video Filip Vondrášek said that the current solution for the request of more/bigger islands, would be new worlds connected together. This was an idea I was wishing would be implemented when I started playing (around the 0.6 update), since this would create many fun possible encounters in the Ylands world. I mean, I have tons of words and gratitude for this. The idea: There was little information on that part, but I just wanted to tell my suggestion and hear if it's a good idea/impossible/will be implemented/already considered after 1.0. The idea is simply that every sea border is connected to another server when the world is public. The game catches the essence of exploring, crafting, and creativity, but it has hidden potential if it's limited to one world and 8 players. The sea borders would connect to other worlds where other players would possibly be. Think of it like a grid-map, where every space is a server. I mean, it seemed like a good suggestion considering whenever you'd on water, lag wouldn't be that big of a problem since when you're usually safe and nothing too much is happening. The problem: I know this isn't to be expected, but I would just further elaborate on the problems this idea also has, which is mostly food for thought as the solution could be many. The problem with this system is that if we were to place another server right next to the border, what would it take to consideration as other players also would cross borders ? What if you're placed next to a dead public server, will you be forever stranded away from people? What if some random person keeps coming back from their server and keeps griefing you? The bordering server would have to be a world where other players are, or it would just fill your sea borders up with empty servers and it would basically be a way-to-complicated terrain-generator. It checks for servers when the player crosses the sea border, then places one with an average of 1 to maximum allowed players. (lag. yikes) If a world contains a banned player from your server, it will be filtered out of choosing when you're crossing the sea-border. This goes both ways as in, the banned user can't find your server either. When the world is offline/inactive (in correspondence to the 0.9 cloud hosting where all players are offline) you lose all the border-servers, or if you close it down manually(?). The other server's name would be displayed as a discovery on your screen whenever you cross over to another world. This way you could keep track of whenever you enter a new server if your bordering server has changed because it's become empty, and swapped with an active server instead. This could be called the "mirage" effect. Thank you for reading!
  2. TheJStrickland

    [SUGGESTION] Bigger Boats?

    I feel like we need a much much larger ship, at least for multiplayer. Here's why; The large ship we already have is great, don't get me wrong. It's a decent size for everything you need, but this is only decent enough for one person. Playing with 2/3 of my friends, ships can get very crowded relatively quick, especially if we're packing up to explore a new island and need our crafting items. On multiple occasions we would accidently push each other overboard or fall off due to lack of room. Not only this, but once more players are on an island, resources are used up much quicker, therefore the option of building a boat for a crew of 1/2 is a much harder feat. The small ship size also really silences the huge amount of creativity I know many people are capable off. So many creations I see with massive ships are hugely put off by a tiny little unrealistic hull sitting at the bottom, as the is no other choice to build these things To defeat issues like this, I think a great idea would be a much larger ship, perhaps twice the length of the current max size, and triple the width? I know I saw a lot of suggestions for a built in hull space, which I think is a great idea. This would mean a lot of ship builds would be less messy and cluttered, especially with the current ship+building on ship small bugs. Watching Youtube videos on the game will show you quickly just how popular the boat/ship function in the game is, and in all honesty everybody's childhood pirate loving side comes out when building said ship. I feel like a much bigger sized ship would really, really expand on this and make the game even greater!
  3. Fight or Flight Gamer

    Travel between Ylands suggestion

    It would be nice to have a fast travel option for returning to home base once we have explored a new Yland. It takes forever to sail back. I don't have engines yet, or making the ship faster (with sails) would also help.