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Found 4 results

  1. On 2 different saves/worlds now, I have built up from scratch and got to the point where it was time to try building a car. I'll place the chassis, but as soon as i attempt to place an engine, driver seat, etc., the part collides with the chassis and flips it or nudges it off the grid. i can use /unstuck 3 command about 5 times out of 10 to realign the chassis to grid, but it doesn't help. I'll attempt to place again and if i do get it on the chassis without flipping it, the grid will be red and will either say not enough space or too far away. after giving up on the car, I went to my ship to put engines on that instead and the engines collide with my ship now and send it all wonky. too far away, not enough space. Any advice? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Multiplayer + Cars

    Hi all, So I've just released a multiplayer game mode that has a lot of cars on it, I have built islands with tracks on them using the terrain forming tools in the editor, and have joined them together with roads. However, so far I've lost most of my cars through them falling through the terrain while driving them on these islands / roads. I've filmed a video that will demonstrate. Is there any way this could be fixed pretty please? It cripples my game mode for multiplayer. It doesn't happen at all in single player on this game mode, it started happening when I joined as a guest to my server running this game mode. Thanks! * Edit Also two more bugs occured while I was testing as a guest on this multiplayer session - While in 3rd person camera view mode, and driving a car, the auto-follow camera view would not trigger, and I was not able to get it to trigger, meaning that I was having to adjust the camera view with my mouse, while steering the car with my keyboard... tricky! This works fine in first person mode, and in single player mode, so just 3rd person as a guest on multiplayer. Secondly, as a guest on multiplayer - driving a car often jolts, visually it looks like network lag, rather than low FPS or graphical lag. Furthermore, the animals do this jolt movement as well.
  3. BOT Alogismusiscomingforu

    Cars on boats! :)

    Přeji hezký den všech průzkumníků i vývojářům. Jsem unesen všemi možnými možnostmi, které mi hra nabízí, ale ve hře mi stále chybí možnost nastoupit se svým pracovně vyráběným autem na mou průzkumnou loď. Chápu, že je náročné, ale myslím, že by se měl tento problém vyřešit, položka, kterou musí hráč sám vyrobit a umístit na hráče vybrané místo na lodi. Přispívám zde tedy nápadem, který dovolí hráči, pomocí svých lodí, manipulovat s automobily mezi ostrovy. Určitě by tato možnost neměla chybět na verzi "velkého lodi". Předem děkuji za uvážení mého návrhu a držím palce při vývoji už tak skvělé hry. Na případné dotazy týkající se všech nejasností v textu mě neváhejte napsat komentář! [Anglická verze] Vychutnejte si pěkný den všem průzkumníkům a vývojářům. Unesl jsem všechny možné možnosti, které hra nabízí, ale ve hře stále chybí schopnost soutěžit s vaším vozem vyráběným autem na mé průzkumné lodi. Chápu, že to je náročné, ale myslím, že by měl tento problém vyřešit, položka, kterou musí hráč sám vyrobit, a umístit jej na vybrané místo hráče na lodi. Přispím zde, a proto myšlenka, která umožňuje hráčům používat své lodě, manipulovat s automobilem mezi ostrovy. Jsem si jistá, že tato volba nebude chybět na verzi "velké lodi". Děkuji vám, že jste si uvědomil svůj návrh, a když vyvíjíte již vynikající hry, držím si prsty. Pokud máte jakékoliv dotazy týkající se veškerého zmatku v textu, neváhejte a nechte mi komentář!
  4. Here's a list of tips to delve into the Ylands (all these my suggestions could also create a new game mode like "Adventure") Continents / or an option before generating the world more land: Instead of an archipelago of islands, the world of Ylands is composed of continents, Continents divided by the ocean, the world being made up of more land would be more interesting for players to build automobiles to move between points on the continent(even because even if you create the car, it is restricted to that island .. could even make a ship that could carry you but .. would not be practical). It would encourage the creation of ports in each continent that it can have varied and unique biomes. (if you can also create roads or even dirt roads, something that generates the world to remember a way to facilitate the transit of cars, something like the roads of the game "Kenshi" paths that refer to what was once a road). New beome: biome with volcanoes. Motivation for exploration: Create small goals to motivate the exploration and even the solo game as you search for islands that have ancient ruins with traps and unique rewards and even achievements on Steam. Give a very cliché example: we have 3 ruins; Jungle, Desert and Tundra. In order to be able to explore the ruin of the desert, you first need some artifact or item that manages to ruin the jungle, and the tundra an item of desert ruin ... and so on. Well, I hope I contributed something. Thank you =)