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Found 5 results

  1. Having trouble to download game binary files in China. Are there any possible ways to download or any alternative cdn options? Thank you.
  2. BaKonator751

    How do I download a map?

    Hey I was wandering how I download maps off the workshop. I logged in and I can't find the download button anywhere? I'm confused...
  3. I don't see a downloads button.
  4. I swear I downloaded Ylands_setup.exe three times in the past from the official web site. I want to recommend this game to my friend but I just can't find the download link again. Is it intentional or I'm just blind?
  5. Hello Dev Team. I recently found out about this game and because of that I wanted to try the free Trial. So I decided to create an Account, and download the free trial game. I opened the installer, which had no problems to install the Launcher. But when I logged in at the launcher itself, it failed downloading the Assets. The Error was: DOWNLOAD FAILED ACTOR_UNISEX Could you please help me or fix that? (I allready tryed to reinstall the game, but it didnt work) Thanks