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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I bought Ylands 2 days ago. Since then me and my friends played 2 multiplayer games, saved both games and they both got corrupted and where unplayable the next day. This meant at least 10 hours of playing were lost. What happend was one of us got stuck en relogged. From that point on interacting(Forges, Furnaces, Wheels etc) didnt work and when I was controlling a wheel of a ship I couldnt get out of it and had to relog again. If the server completly stopped then the next day only the person hosting could join the game the others where unable to join the game. How can i fix this savegame so we can continue and if the savegame is unfixible, how can we make sure this doesnt happen again? Little example Thanks in advance. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt MAGHIER.rar
  2. Hi I am using boxes, sacks and different containers for the decoration of the game, but I do not want them to have interaction and I need to be applying the logic of deactivating interactions in each one, either with labels, or in the object itself. I would like it if it is possible to have the option to disable interaction in the properties of the object, to be able to disable everything at the same time without having to add a lot of logic.