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Found 3 results

  1. I've found that on an MP server that I am playing on that it now takes me two swings to get one hit on a tree and at least two, usually three pick up animation cycles to pick up logs, seed, etc. It usually takes two cycles to pick things like cotton or flax. That makes all of my harvesting take twice as long (if not longer). I'm still enjoying the game but my creative endeavors are screeching to a halt. output_log.txt
  2. Just noticed, that the logfiles on the server was suddenly 1,7GB each!!! Is this normal ? I have moved the log files to a new folder, to save in case someone wants to see them. I also removed the Energy items I had in game which another user suggested was the cause of the massive error spam in my console. It's not spamming errors anymore, all I have left is this:
  3. t3hb3arj3w

    How to get a massive log

    can anybody please help me locate or craft a massive log for the large mast with sail? i cannot find any information on it specifically.