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Found 3 results

  1. I don't know if it's the bug. When I build a wall from blocks and then I'm not able to destroy it. (I know that a block can be pick up to 2 minutes.) And ulint founter is undestructible too. I tried it with stone and sandstone block. I used pick and hammer. Can I remove any building? And how? Thanks
  2. It did not get saved to community share compositions. But it does appear on my profile when I do not want it to. I assumed there would be a delete but I cannot find. I was creating a Youtube tutorial for a friend showing how to post your Compositions in the workshop. I want to remove it now.
  3. Just a little thing, but it is spoiling the game for me. I am afraid that I have a real problem with the game placing items automatically in my hotbar. How do I remove them and place them back into my inventory. I have tried clicking and dragging them, and also control clicking and dragging, but it isn't working. I would appreciate any help you can give me.