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Found 6 results

  1. Krzysztof Boniecki

    Submarines and torpedoes

    Hello. So as you may know Ylands have very nice looking underwater, unfortunately scuba diving are kinda slow so why not add a submarine to the game? Well in my opinion it would fit nicely to the game, also we could dive and explore underwater more quickly and without worries that we would run out of oxygen. Besides, submarines would be a great combat addition, there are servers where players like to perform ship combat, and ability to torpedo someone with submarine would be very cool. Please, at least consider adding it.
  2. Hi everyone! I need help! Potential spoilers ahead - this is all happening on [OFFICIAL] Explore PA 15. Story first: Been going around for days, trying to find a submarine sphere to fit the key I found in a cave structure. It took me days because my map was resetting every time I left the server... Finally located the downed submarine by pure accident in the middle of absolutely nowhere. It had no locked sphere in it or around it. There was a bamboo chest on top with some sailor stuff. I found coins and a goblet inside. I excavated all around that wreck and there was nothing else to be found. I thought "oh well, there's always the floating structure on the starter yland, maybe the submarine sphere is there". I go back to my yland to prepare. I get back to starter yland and climb to the top of the floating structure. I then build a small cannon to shoot the Tesla Coils down. I shoot 1 cannonball, and realize the cannon is bugged and I cannot reload it. I destroy the cannon and get the material back - but the cannon is still physically there. I make a cannon, shoot the Tesla, destroy the cannon and repeat the process 10 times. The Tesla does not go down, despite registering hits from a dead-close cannon 10 times. I am out of cannonballs so I put on my rubber suit and step into the Tesla. I am miraculously unharmed. There is nothing on the roof with the Tesla Coils and I take the ladder down. I am in an empty room with two Ylandium generators. There is absolutely nothing there. Now the questions (I am more than willing to log in with one or more of you guys and gals, and figure this out): 1) Is there more than 1 submarine wreck on the server? Could it happen? Since the one I found had no sphere. 2) Are cannons bugged for everyone or just me? Could you log unto PA 15 and let me know if it's just the server? Are Tesla Coils supposed to go down to cannonballs? If so, how many shots? 3) Since crafting Guardian Armor, animals can't seem to hit me at all, I can't drown underwater and generally can't take damage. Is a rubber suit (shirt, pants, flippers, breathing mask) known to be invulnerable to Tesla Coils? Is it just me being invulnerable on the server by some kind of bug? 4) I read a lot of reports of finding locked chests inside the floating structure. Has anyone ever encountered a floating structure that had no treasure in it? This was really frustrating, felt like days of work are for absolutely nothing. I don't know if it's bugged or I just fell on the wrong side of the Random Hammer. Can anyone help figuring this out? Thanks!
  3. Hi! I found the underground puzzle with the mark I armor pants and the key to the "submarine sphere". I found a submarine wreck but no spehere. Anyone have any idea about how many sub wrecks are in the game and any tips for finding them?
  4. Jacob Ellinger

    Spoiler submarine sphere key

    so I found a strange key called a submarine sphere key. there was also a metal orb chest but the key did not go to it. this key is even stranger in that is is purple colored. Now the best part was the orb chest had a unique armored pants. I looked everywhere in that cave system and never found what the key goes too. Anyone know?
  5. Asmodeus_KH


    Hello. I would like to see submarines that would be able to swim not only on the water on ships, but under the water on a submarine, even if they will be a small size, you can even be the most primitive to start with. And based on the fact that there is a video where a person found the wreckage of a submarine at the bottom of the sea, it can be argued that the developers plan to add them in the future, whether they are electric or steam engine, it does not matter, the concept itself is to swim under water, where you are not afraid neither storm or pirates.
  6. Sereiseth Chhay

    Modern Ideas.

    Dear Server. I realize that this game take my soul. Open world and unlimited. My idea to make fun, I would something new like to have pets, a Submarine, airplane and Coal engine for ship. Pets, just the creature in the game. catch them by trap and don't let's them go or kill them, just feel them, until it become friendly, by progress like get a horse. Submarine just like a ship, I have nothing to mention. Airplane, hmm, I think it is strange, but an airplane land on water maybe nice, emergency eject with Parachute. Owsome!!!! Coal engine for ship make moving more faster. I really enjoy this game. I hope I can see them in Next Version, like Ylands 1.0.0